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8 months earlier

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8 months earlier...

In the dimly lit cafe, Joseph and Angelique sat across from each other, the air heavy with unspoken tension. Angelique's eyes sought answers in Joseph's distant gaze, wondering why her beloved boyfriend had been pulling away emotionally from her, his warmth replaced by a cold demeanor.

She sighed, rubbing her eyes tiredly, "Joseph, we need to talk."

He finally looked up to be met with her red and shattered eyes. "You've been distant, avoiding me, and lately, it feels like you're intentionally being dismissive and mean. What's going on honey?" Angelique began tentatively, her voice laced with concern. The corner of Joseph's lips turned slightly upwards, the use of her usual name for him always made him feel secure and loved. A name she only used for him.

And only him.

Joseph sighed, his eyes avoiding hers again. "It's complicated, Angel. I've been dealing with some personal issues, and I thought that distancing myself would be better for both of us."

Angel. She hated that nickname. But Joseph was the only person she tolerated to call her by that name.

Her heart sank at his words, "But we used to face everything together, Joseph. Why shut me out?"

He hesitated, his expression conflicted. "I didn't want you to get caught up in my mess. I thought it was for the best."

Tears welled up in her eyes as the weight of his words settled in her chest.

"Joseph, love is about facing challenges together. If you're hurting, let me in. Don't push me away." Her voice was small as she pleaded Joseph to open up his heart.

He met her gaze, regret etched on his face. "Angelique, I don't know if I can change. Maybe it's best we end this."

The words hung in the air, heavy and final. Angelique felt her heart shatter, the pain felt almost unbearable. Almost 2 years, gone.

With a deep breath, she looked at Joseph one last time. "If this is what you need, Joseph, then it's over. I can't be with someone who chooses distance over love. Goodbye." Angelique stood, leaving the cafe, and with each step, the echoes of a broken connection lingered in the air.

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