EIGHT, clash of hearts

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JOSEPH DESCAMPS WAS THE definition of hot and cold

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JOSEPH DESCAMPS WAS THE definition of hot and cold. He's the type of person you have a relationship in which love is handed out sporadically, and where words sometimes don't align with behaviors. The type of relationship where you're hoping for more but are unsure whether you're going to get it. In others words, he is unpredictable and quite clever.

Angelique Serrano was the embodiment of an emotional mess. She always had a clear mind and always reminded herself to be rational. She never let her feelings take over an important decision. But, it all changed when Joseph and Angelique called it quits. She had not prepared herself in case she would find herself in this situation. And at the time, it was understandable.

After all, they were each others' first everything and talked about marriage.

Maybe the similarities in personality kept them close, because all they had known was each other. Maybe, it was that through every hardships, they would go back to each other, because together, they were one.

Right now, she personally wants to kill him.

"Never in my 15 years of being in this establishment as dean, did I witness such animosity."

Angelique stood in front of the dean, her head down in exhaustion as Joseph and Jean-Pierre stood on each side of her. She didn't know how it was even possible she had gotten herself into this mess, nor did she anticipated such things could happen.

Jean-Pierre and Joseph fighting again was something she thought wouldn't occur in the near future.

But it did.

4 hours earlier.

Annick turned the pages of Fahrenheit 451 with a quiet intensity, absorbing the dystopian narrative that had become a shared refuge for her and Angelique. The courtyard enveloped them in a serene ambiance, adorned with blooming flowers and the soft rustle of leaves.

Annick, eyes still fixed on the pages, broke the silence with a question that lingered in the air like a delicate whisper. "What is it like to be in love with someone?" Her words wove through the atmosphere, inviting Angelique into a realm beyond the confines of the novel.

Angelique, gazing into the distance, began to unravel the complexities of love in a philosophical cadence that resonated with the essence of the courtyard. "Love, Annick, is a kaleidoscope of emotions, a symphony of joy and sorrow. It's an eternal dance, where hearts intertwine, echoing the cosmic rhythm of the universe."

Annick chuckled, "I didn't imagine you to be a philosopher."

Angelique shrugged, "Well, what can I say? I love love. But why that question? Someone transformed your heart into thousands of doves?"

Their contemplative conversation was abruptly interrupted by the urgent whisper-shout of Henri, emanating from behind the bench where Michele and Simone sat. Turning toward the source, they discovered him crouched low, his eyes imploring them to follow.

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