ONE, emerald encounter

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THE WARM SUNRAYS OF the last day of August shined in all its glory down on the little commune of Saint-Jean-D'Angely

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THE WARM SUNRAYS OF the last day of August shined in all its glory down on the little commune of Saint-Jean-D'Angely. Last day of August meant the last day of summer before going back to what Angelique defined as hell. The past week had been less than eventful, and Angelique was more than excited to start school to bring her out of her misery of boredom.

Her pace was slow as she walked down the streets to familiarize herself again with what she would now call home once more. Not long after Joseph and Angelique's breakup, her mother thought it would be a good idea to get away and go to the city, visit her aunt for a while to help her process her issues. She did miss Paris, a lot. Her friends, her school, everything and for that she still had a bitter sentiment lingering in her heart, though she knew it was not her parents' fault at all. She had to come back eventually.

Too distracted by her thoughts, she let her legs lead her wherever, too busy to deal with her new issue. She had heard in the radio about Voltaire High becoming a mixed school — a school her parents enrolled her in. She didn't mind being in a mixed school. It was the boys being too eager, bizarre and hormonal that caused her to have an issue with it.

But she did agreed that it was in fact innovative, and that it was about time for France to be progressive, let go of traditions rooted in misogyny, racism, segregation, sexism, and inequality of genders. They were far away from the expected results, but that was a start.

Coming back to reality, Angelique observed the peaceful lake right in front of her. The lake was familiar, very much so as she recalled the numerous times she's been with Joseph. She sighed disapprovingly, scolding herself for thinking about him again.

A swift wind blew through the air, and the sun hat that was once resting on Angelique's head flew away, landing in the lake.

She mumbled profanities as she looked around to find anything that was long enough to pull her hat towards her. Her eyes fell on a broken branch from a tree on her left and she took it in her hand, examining its resistance.

She turned around, ready to take her hat back. Her eyebrows raised slightly in surprise when she witnessed a man she has never seen before walked in the lake, fully clothed. The unknown man quickly grabbed her hat and made his way back to her, his clothes sticking on his skin.

Angelique forced herself to say something but he was quicker than her by giving her back her hat.

"You should be more careful next time. At this time of the day, the wind gets quite rowdy." He stated with a small smile. She stared right into his eyes, amazed by the color that adorned his pupils. A striking green she has never seen before.

He's handsome, she thought. Her ears perked up at the chuckle that escaped his throat and she shut her eyes in regret, realizing she had said out loud her thought.

He full on laughed, noticing the blushing mess she became, "Thank you. I'm delighted to hear that, especially coming from a pretty girl like you."

She rolled her eyes, "Now you're doing this on purpose."

He smirked, "Do what?"

"Don't play dumb. You're purposely trying to make me blush." Angelique accused, pointing a finger to his chest. "I didn't have to try."

With that, he gave her one last smile and walked away. "Wait, what is your name?" She yelled loud enough to hear from his distance. "Jean-Pierre. But for you, you can call me JP. Have a nice day, pretty lady."

"You too and thank you."

She continued to observe him until his frame was out of her sight. She exhaled nervously, running a hand in her hair in attempt to pull herself together. She shook her head with a smile, walking the opposite way he went to go home.

I'm really wondering if I should turn it into a full on love triangle, or even a love square with Simone. A bit short for a first chapter but that's just to introduce Jean-Pierre to Angelique, the next chapters will be a bit longer.

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