SEVEN, fractured trust

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THE COURTYARD WAS A lively tableau, students dispersed in various clusters, engaged in animated conversations beneath the dappled sunlight

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THE COURTYARD WAS A lively tableau, students dispersed in various clusters, engaged in animated conversations beneath the dappled sunlight. Angelique and Annick lingered, strategically positioned outside the men's bathroom, ready to intercept Henri. Their plan to ambush him took form when they spotted him entering the bathroom, and now, as he emerged, almost colliding with them, apologies tumbled out of Henri's lips in a shy stammer.

"Sorry, Angelique. Sorry, Annick." His eyes flickered with surprise and mild discomfort at their unanticipated presence.

Taking the initiative, Angelique opened the conversation, her voice carrying a blend of casualness and purpose, "Henri, do you want to be class leader? We can't present ourselves because Giraud hates girls."

Annick continued smoothly, "And I have to maintain a low profile."

Henri, caught off guard, hesitated before finally uttering an uncertain, "Okay."

Annick's hopeful tone interjected, "So, are you saying okay to being the class leader?"

Henri clarified, "No, I meant okay, but-"

Annick cut him off with an authoritative declaration, "Angelique knows the date of the battle."

Angelique, seamlessly continuing the persuasive narrative, chimed in, "We thought of giving it to you because you're more intelligent than the others in the class."

Henri, caught in the crossfire of their persuasions, looked between them with a mix of uncertainty and curiosity. "But it's always Felbec who is class leader." he mused aloud.

Annick probed further, "Has Felbec found the answer yet?"

Henri, his words trailing off, admitted, "Not yet, but-"

Annick, interrupting again, concluded with decisive authority, "You'll be class leader."

With a satisfied nod, Annick excused herself, leaving Angelique and Henri alone in the courtyard.

Angelique, her gaze fixed on Henri, noticed a flicker of distress in his eyes. With a comforting smile, she spoke gently, "Henri, if you want to give the date to Felbec, do it. I won't be mad."

Henri, under the touch of Angelique's hand on his shoulder, visibly relaxed. A smile tugged at the corners of his lips as he nodded appreciatively. "Thanks, Angelique. I appreciate that."

As the courtyard bustled around them, Angelique and Henri lingered in a moment of understanding. The weight of class leadership, once a source of tension, seemed to dissipate in the warm sunlight. Henri, now more at ease, cast a grateful glance at Angelique. "You know, you're not as scary as they say." He admitted, a note of sincerity in his voice.

Angelique chuckled, "How come?"

"Well, you're a pretty outspoken person. We saw that with Giraud and Douillard. Most of the boys in the class don't know if they find you scary or attractive for that."

PARADOXIQUE, joseph descamps Where stories live. Discover now