FIVE, the return of a ghost

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IN THE QUAINT LIVING room adorned with vintage furniture, Angelique found herself perched on a plush chair, her parents seated across from her

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IN THE QUAINT LIVING room adorned with vintage furniture, Angelique found herself perched on a plush chair, her parents seated across from her. The air was thick with an uneasy silence, as Angelique deliberately averted her gaze, staring at a point on the wall rather than meeting the eyes of her parents.

Her mother and father, both wearing expressions that balanced concern with sternness, regarded her in contemplative silence.

The room's stillness persisted until her father, breaking the quiet tension, finally spoke. His voice, measured and paternal, filled the space, "Angelique, the dean called us today. You've received double detention, and we wanted to talk to you about it."

Angelique's heart raced, anticipation and apprehension dancing in her eyes as she awaited her parents' judgment. Yet, her father's words carried an unexpected nuance-not the harsh reprimand she had feared.

He continued, "We know you had a day quite unexpected since it is the first day of coed. The dean mentioned the incident with your teachers, and we understand you weren't in the wrong. But, Angelique, attending school is a privilege, especially for a girl, and even more so for a black girl in these times."

Her mother, her eyes reflecting a blend of understanding and pride, chimed in, "We want you to be strong and assertive, but also mindful of the world around you. It's crucial to navigate these situations carefully. We're proud of you for standing up for yourself, but always remember the challenges you might face."

In that moment, Angelique felt a mixture of relief and gratitude. Her parents were not angry; instead, they were imparting valuable wisdom about the delicate balance she needed to strike in a society that wasn't always fair.

Her mother's gentle words continued, "Be cautious, my love. And know that we stand by you. It's essential to navigate these situations wisely, even when you know you're in the right."

Tension dissipated as her parents enveloped her in a warm embrace, their love a comforting balm.

A moment of laughter escaped Angelique's lips as her father, with a twinkle in his eye, remarked, "You may have escaped the wrath of the dean, but you're not off the hook. No going out this weekend-consider it your own form of detention from us."

The living room echoed with the warmth of familial love, the lessons of resilience, and the unspoken understanding that Angelique carried the weight of history on her shoulders.

"Here. If possible, go today." Her mother handed her a list of bakery essentials that needed to be procured from the establishment a few streets away. Accepting the crinkled paper, Angelique marveled at the precision of her mother's penmanship, each item listed with care.

Embracing the brisk air as she stepped out of her house, Angelique ambled toward the bakery. As she traversed the bustling streets, she couldn't help but feel the weight of curious glances upon her.

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