TWO, red is your colour

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ANGELIQUE SERRANO DREADED MORNINGS more than anything. She laid down on her back, her eyes fixated on her ceiling, lazily being attentive to the confessions being shared in the radio. The coeducational system was once again on everyone's lips, as for today was the first day of school. Yawning one last time, she appreciated the last second of the comfort of her bed, before pulling herself up.

"Angelique. Get down here to eat breakfast before I drag you out of your bed." Angelique scoffed, amused by her mother's comment. But she did not want to upset her mother today, so she complied. Her footsteps were light as she walked down the stairs and made her way to the kitchen. Her parents and her older siblings, Beatriz and Giovanni, were already sat, a full on buffet laid on the table.

"Hey mom. Hey dad." She quickly kissed both on their cheeks and sat between her siblings.

Giovanni scoffed, feigning offense, "So you're not going to greet your dear siblings." Angelique rolled her eyes, hitting her brother's head with the back of her hand as she then hugged her sister. "I always knew I was her favorite." The sisters giggled at Beatriz's comment.

"Still love you a lot Gio." Angelique winked, sealing the certainty that it was all for fun.

"Are you nervous, bug?" Her father. Lionel, questioned, putting down his cup of coffee. Angelique shrugged, adorning her pancakes with syrup.

"Not that much. I mean, what is the worse that could happen?"

Giovanni hummed in reflexion, "You will probably be eaten alive by the teachers, they're awful. I'm grateful I am still among you to share my testimonies." He joked, earning a slap on the shoulder by the matriarch of the family, Pandora.

"Giovanni Serrano, be respectful. Though I do agree some of those teachers are quite questioning." She shared as she sat down next to Lionel.

"Oh mother, I apologize. But this is really the word to describe them." Giovanni exclaimed in return, finishing up his breakfast.

Her father nodded in agreement, "Now, finish up your breakfast and prepare yourself."

Despite living in a huge mansion and being a family of 5, the Serrano household was hectic. The Serrano family gained their wealth through their father who was a known lawyer and businessman. Regardless of their race, the community recognized Lionel's assertiveness and professionalism in the field. Nevertheless, he still faces hardships in being one of the few black lawyers in the country.

Her mother was a nurse in a hospital for children not that far from their home. While her parents were harmlessly arguing over the chores downstairs, Angelique propped herself in front of her vanity table. Brushes and powders, which belonged to Beatriz, were scattered all over the table as she applied a flashy red lipstick on her lips. Because of her father, she used makeup to a minimum, relying on mascara, eyeliner and lipstick when going out to casual places.

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