FOUR, climax

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THE SUN CASTED A WARM GLOW over the courtyard, students bustling around as Angelique and Simone made their way towards a distraught Michele

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THE SUN CASTED A WARM GLOW over the courtyard, students bustling around as Angelique and Simone made their way towards a distraught Michele.

"Are you okay? Your uncle wasn't too hard on you?" asked Simone.

Michele sighed in exhaustion, "He was. Apparently, the teachers don't want us here."

"Well, they should of fight harder to not let this happen." Angelique mumbled mindlessly, her eyes travelling over each corner of the courtyard in curiosity. "What happened with you and Descamps? Me and Alain looked back to see you weren't behind us." Michele questioned.

Angelique raised her eyebrows in slight amusement, "Alain huh? The two of you became friends that quick." She teased, a faint blush creeping on Michele's cheeks.

"I didn't want to go to the dean's office, and I guessed he had the same idea. So, we talked." Angelique shrugged. She assumed that whether she was there or not, Joseph would of refrain from going to the dean's office.

Michele and Simone shared a look, diverting their eyes on Angelique once more, "Just talked?"

Angelique laughed, pushing gently aside Simone, "Get your mind out of the gutter. Anyways, we still went to the dean's office afterwards because a teacher caught us in the hallway. So now, I have a double detention tomorrow and Thursday."

Michele squeezed Angelique's shoulder in solidarity, "Detention sucks. But at least, we're together on Thursday." The blonde exclaimed optimistically.

"Though the teachers aren't that happy with our presence, I can't say the same thing for the boys. Don't you see how they look at us? Some of them are happy." Simone commented as she sent a smile to a boy walking by.

Angelique snorted, "I'm pretty sure they are happy because they are thinking of us naked."

Simone swatted Angelique's hands away as she tried to tickle her.

"You think so? Not in our class." Michele shared and that was true. Despite the vulgar comments and lingering stares, none of the girls felt welcome by the boys in their class, except for Pichon who had been nothing but a sweetheart to them.

Simone shook her head, "No, they are too immature. I am talking about the seniors, that is who we should focus on."

Angelique went back to observing the courtyard, diverting her attention on the culprit who had been staring at her. She felt eyes— eyes that felt somehow familiar and as her eyes went over the entrance, she noticed the same man she had met the previous day, Jean-Pierre.

"I'll catch up with you later, I need to do something." Angelique muttered quickly, bidding goodbye to both Michele and Simone.

Jean-Pierre's eyes lit up in happiness as he spotted Angelique walking in his direction. A grin spread across his face, and he excused himself from his friends, who exchanged knowing glances and subtle smirks. As Angelique drew closer, she couldn't help but feel a mix of nervousness and excitement.

PARADOXIQUE, joseph descamps Where stories live. Discover now