Goodmorning sunshine- Nelson N.

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It was a little after 5:30 am when Lavar and Cam opened the door to Y/N and Nelson's room with cups of water in hand. The duo crept over to the side of the bed. Cam went to throw the water on Nelson's face when Lavar put a hand on his chest stopping him. "Should we wake Y/N up before we throw it on him, you know how pissy she gets when you wake her up normally, can you imagine if we did it with water?" "Fuck your right," Cam agreed. So Lavar shook Y/N awake. Groaning, she immediately pushed him away. When she realized she was pushing away Lavar, she sat up. "Lavar, why the hell are you and Cam standing in my room at 5:30 in the morning?" She yelled in a hushed tone careful not to wake the blonde boy who was sleeping next to her.

"Well.... we're gonna dump water on Nelson's face to wake him up and we figured you didn't want to be included in that, so we're giving you the opportunity to move. Really you should be thanking us right now," Cam said matter-of-factly. "You guys are such dicks. He slept in his compression shirt that goes under his jersey so he's going to be pissed," the girl said, pulling Nelson's arm off of her and getting out of bed. She walked into the connected bathroom to brush her teeth. Disregarding that information, the two boys dumped the cups of water in Nelson's face. The blonde boy awoke, sitting up in vampire-like fashion. Cam and Lavar started giggling like little girls at the blank stare on Nelson's face. "What. The. Fuck," the boy finally spoke.

"Good morning sunshine," the duo replied, still giggling. "Where's Y/N, did she know about this? What the fucking fuck," Nelson rambled on as Y/N walked out of the bathroom. "Listen, don't blame me they woke me up before they did it so. Plus, I wasn't about to get wet." Cam and Lavar were now on the floor quite literally rolling with laughter. "Get the fuck out you bitches," Nelson told them. They both quickly scrambled up and ran out of the room doubled over with laughter. "Come back and cuddle," Nelson whined laying back on his wet pillow. "Absolutely not, get dry and then we'll talk," Y/N replied.


"So, you had an interesting this morning," the camera man said, "Any comments?" "Man, fuck Lavar, fuck Cam, fuck Y/N," Nelson began. Y/N was walking behind the couch as he said this. "Oh nah," she said popping him on the back of the head, "Cause I ain't the one, don't even Nelson." "Ow, damn I'm sorry I love you." "Mhm, that's better," she said sitting down beside him. "I slept in my compression shirt that goes under my jersey so now I gotta wear this dumb ass white long sleeve. I look motherfucking stupid." "Yeah, you do," Y/N said. He threw his arm over her shoulder as the camera man kept asking him questions. Eventually, her eyes began to close and her head fell onto Nelson's shoulder. Cam walked into the room, eyeing the couple.

"Damn I miss Marie,"

A/N: Hi guys, I hope you liked it! Sorry it's a little long, I got carried away lmao.

1-28-24 A/N: Hey guys, I'm making some changes to my first stories just bare with me lmao.

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