Chapter 1

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you woke up yet again to arguing, your parents always acted so different around you but didn't hide it very well. you got up and had a shower playing music to drown out the shouting and swearing. you washed your hair and body using your favourite wash cherry blossom. It smelt amazing and it was strong. you got out dried yourself and put on some clean clothes a pair of slightly baggy black trousers and a shirt that was kinda tight and lifted a little showing some midriff, you chucked a pair of boots on and walked back into your room. it was always hot in Gavaldon so you tried not to wear many warming clothes but you always covered your arms and legs. you went downstairs and the shouting stopped when the top step creaked it's like they made it do that on purpose so they knew when you was coming so they would stop shouting at each other.
Linda - ugh what do you want
y/n - I'm just leaving to go to school
Jackson - oh I dropped of a letter to mr smith and he said you could start work in a couple weeks
y/n - what! No Im 17 I don't need to work yet
Linda - oh shut up your 18 in a week and then you can bring money in to help buy food and help us keep this house if not you can go
y/n - fine I'll just leave on my birthday
Jackson - and you think the streets will be nice do you
y/n - better then here with you two
you grabbed your bag and walked out the house...well shelter then walked to the little outside class that was your school it wasn't a building since nobody had money for that and it was the law that you had to be in school for at least 2 hours a day but you only sat and read books pissing about not even the teacher cared he sat doing his own thing anyway.
Agatha - hi y/n
Sophie - y/n come sit
you sat on the opposite side of the bench to Agatha and Sophie
Agatha - so what we doing today
Sophie - well after school we can go to the book store see if Mrs Deauville's got anything.
Agatha - OoOo I hope she has a new murder story
Sophie - I might get Snow White I haven't read that in a while
y/n - I'm gonna ask if she has any new sketchbooks
Agatha - she very rarely does
y/n - I know but it's always worth a try asking
you all sat bored for the two hours you was forced to sit and read or listen to the occasional get back here you can't leave yet command from the man who sat observing everyone because it was his job to keep an eye on everyone, but eventually the time did pass.
Sophie - YES it's 10:00 we can leave
Agatha - and it's Saturday tomorrow
y/n - come on let's go to Mrs Deauville's
you all got up and went to get some new books
Mrs Deauville - hi girls
Agatha - hey have you had any new murder stories come in
Mrs Deauville - yes over there and I'm guessing you want the fairytale section
she looked at Sophie then got a box full of fairytales she dug around
Sophie - ugh give me cinderella any day just look at the dresses in here
y/n - I know it's a long shot but have you got any new sketchbooks this month
Mrs Deauville - you are in luck my husband just made a batch this week and gave me one to give
to you as an early birthday present
she gave you a sketchbook with very thick and yellowish paper
y/n - it's perfect thank you so much
you didn't have many supplies in Gavaldon to have decent paper but this was enough
Mrs Deauville - that's ok
Sophie - hey what's this
you stopped looking at your new sketchbook and looked at some symbol Sophie was pointing to in her book
Mrs Deauville - don't tell me you've never heard of the school for good and evil
Agatha - school for good and evil?
Mrs Deauville - over a decade ago a girl Leanora was taken from this town in a blood moon we never saw her again some say she was eaten by a beast in the woods others say she was taken by the people that control this system
Sophie - where is it
Agatha - really Sophie ?
Mrs Deauville - a different time and place nobody could ever find it naturally
y/n - ok well thank you for the stuff Mrs D
Mrs D - no problem now scram I've got some work just trade them in next week
Sophie - oh right here are our other books to trade in
you all gave in your books and left enjoying your new stuff
Agatha - hey I need to pick up some stuff for my mum at the market
y/n - I'll come with
Sophie - I'll be back my house is round the corner I'm gonna drop of my bag of quickly
she ran of and you and Agatha went to the main part of town we're all the druggies and addicts hung around you paid no attention and went to go through the alley way but the most unusual thing happened you both saw a goat wondering.
Agatha - aw hi little guy
she bent down and stroked him and you just stood adoring it
man - hey you two bitches
you turned round to a man holding a pocket knife you wasn't scared but Agatha was
man - we don't like witches in our town
Agatha - we mean no harm
y/n - get the fuck out of here dickhead
man - oh you'll be the first one I cut
y/n - I don't think so
you used your powers to lift him up in the air and hold him against the wall
y/n - you're going to leave us alone ok
man - ok ok I'll leave just don't hurt me
you let him go and he dropped to the floor scurrying off then Sophie came round the corner
Sophie - what happened
Agatha - y/n with her now non-secret powers saved my ass
y/n - I didn't exactly think it through
Sophie - ok well we should go somewhere more quiet
Agatha - yeh I'll get my mums spices later
you all went to the graveyard nobody went there and it was a safe place for you three
Sophie - hey my step mum gave me some food did you guys want some
Agatha - I'll have some
y/n - I'm good I'll eat later when I go home
Sophie - ok
they eat there food and you all spent the rest of the day reading your new books and gossiping and it was getting dark so you all said goodbye and walked home but when you got there a suitcase full of your clothes and other things was on the doorstep
y/n - ok very hilarious let me in now it's cold
it was ridiculously hot in the day and freezing at night it was absolutely horrible you banged on the door shivering a little
y/n - LET ME IN!
Jackson opened the kitchen window that was beside you
Jackson - if you want to leave and go to the streets why wait go on fuck off we don't want you anyway we never did your just a burden that costs us money
he shut the window and you heard it lock
you shed a couple tears then wiped them away. you put your bag on your back and picked up your suitcase and you thought about sleeping by the graveyard tonight nobody went there and it was peaceful at night only it was freezing cold. it took you another 30 minutes and once you got there you saw Agatha and Sophie
y/n - guys what are you doing here
Agatha - Sophie was gonna run away after all
Sophie - I'm sorry but you know I can't settle for this my mum always told me I was born to do great things
they looked at you with your suitcase and bag and you looked at Sophie with her two massive bags
Agatha - was you gonna go with her?
y/n - no my parents kinda kicked me out so I was going to wonder around
Sophie - oh y/n
Agatha - you can live with me and my mum we can share my room it's big enough and my mum loves you she thinks your the first true witch in centuries
y/n - that sounds really nice
Sophie - wait did you guys hear that
there was growling and sticks cracking in the distance
Agatha - we gotta get out of here
Sophie - no Agatha's this is what I wanted
y/n - I thinks shes right-
you was cut of by being dragged in the dirt and leaves
y/n - LET ME GO
Agatha - NO
you looked down to see agatha holding onto Sophie's leg
you all rolled and tumbled stopping in the middle of nowhere
Sophie - Aggie no that's what I wished for
Agatha - I'm sorry I just couldn't let you go
Sophie - I know
y/n - where are we
you still had ahold of your things surprisingly
Agatha - I don't know
you all stood confused and not knowing what to do for a minute and then you got grabbed by the shoulders very harshly and dragged into the sky
you looked beside you Agatha and Sophie was also grabbed by a bird made of what looked like sticks. the sky faded from red to blue very quickly
Sophie - Aggie look that's the school for good
Agatha - get it to take us back now Sophie!
Sophie - Agatha this is everything I've ever wanted
y/n - wait why am I going in a different direction hold on wait! WAIT !
you was dropped by the bird
Sophie - Y/N!
Agatha - NOOO
Sophie - she was dropped in the school for evil
Agatha - that can't be good
Sophie and Agatha where dropped into a bed of flowers and you got dropped into a murky lake you came up gasping for air holding onto your suitcase and bag still hugging your back. you got out the water and walked into the building there was a room full of excited girls and boys and you stood confused until someone on the stand spoke.
lesso - ATTENTION! if you use your tiny little bloodshot eyes you will see your schedules and dormitories are around the room. it would do you well to memorise both. make me proud
'Oh my god shes hot'
She looked at you smirked then walked off you managed to get a piece of paper that had your classes and room on it you was very out of the way the top that doesn't sound tiring at all. you got to your room and the hall was empty except one room right across from you maybe a broom closet? or storage room. you put your key in your door then walked in it wasn't the biggest but it was much better then your previous room you shut the door behind you. you put your bag and suitcase down beside your bed and you noticed your bag soaking wet
y/n - oh no
you opened it and pulled out your sketchbook it fell apart as soon as you lifted it out your bag
y/n - great
you chucked it in the bin then got up
y/n - i hope they put my soap in here
you looked through your suitcase and you were glad they had put your favourite body wash in there you grabbed it along with some clean clothes and went to the bathroom that was also really big. you checked the cupboards for shampoo but it was resting on the side of the bathtub you decided to use that and get clean as you was covered in mud and soaked luckily only your bag soaked through not your clothes suit case. you only got out after you washed yourself nearly three times so you smelt better and you washed your hair once. you got out dried yourself then put on the clothes you picked out. luckily this place was cold so you could wear a hoodie and cargos witch looked really nice. you braided your hair and walked into your room you saw your converse and decided to put them on as your boots needed to dry off.
y/n - this week is gonna be weird I can already feel it

hey guys new story I missed writing about lesso so much so I'm making a new story I hope you like the first chapter. :)

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