Chapter 17

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screens hung above a counter screwed in securely to the wall like loads of tellies but with pictures of chicken and writing next to it. there were tables with either couches or chairs and bars with stools and people stood behind a counter wearing the same clothes yet fitted to there body. The smell was also great it wasn't greasy or damp or leaky nothing was wrong with the place it was in perfect condition and it smelt of freshly cooked food not oil and fat.
lesso - I'm gonna order for you
y/n - what is this place?
lesso smiled then went up to the counter she ordered a boneless bouquet tub with two buttered sweetcorn cobs then two mini fillet burger meals with chips and coke and you sat down at a table with a couch that was out of the way lesso sat next to you it was nice you didn't exactly enjoy people watching you eat it was the perfect spot
lesso - you don't have to eat it all by the way
y/n - I don't think I could
you was looking at everything and touching everything the couches were leather and the ceiling had weird lights not dangly yellow ones but white square ones that where built in
lesso - don't look at it to long your headache will get worse
y/n - it is hurting my eyes
lesso - then stop
y/n - but it's white not yellow
she put her hand in front of your eyes and you looked at her she was already staring at you.
y/n - I would recommend a painting for your room
she smiled and her hand went to you jaw her thumb rubbing your cheek softly
lesso - your so beautiful I might just do that
y/n - I was joking lesso
lesso - I'm not
y/n - please don't that would be a little weird for me seeing myself on your bedroom wall
lesso - ok
she looked at you for a few more seconds then someone came over
worker - hey are you number 24
lesso looked at a piece of paper the women at the desk gave her
lesso - yes that's us
worker - oh hi
she was talking to you she didn't notice you was there you was hidden behind lesso's gorgeous body
y/n - hello
She set the tray of food down
worker - enjoy your meal
lesso - we will thank you
lesso put a mini burger in front of you chips a coke and some buttered sweetcorn and the same in front of her and then she put the tub of chicken in the middle
lesso - these are my favourite but the burgers are ok
you picked up the burger it looked different to homemade ones it was long and rectangular not circular
y/n - it's a weird shape
lesso - it's nice though
she was waiting for you to try it but you couldn't with her watching you so intensely
lesso - I can ask for a pot of gravy if you want
y/n - gravy? with a burger? that's not ok
lesso laughed a little
lesso - for your chips and the chicken darling
y/n - oh ok
she got up and you looked at your burger it had lettuce and a white sauce it didn't look very appealing to you but once you took a bite you fell in love it tasted so good you ate it in seconds you wasn't paying attention to people around you because there wasn't really any as you was in the corner of the restaurant and facing away from the massive glass window which you also admired. you finished your burger and lesso came back
lesso - you ate it
y/n - that was the best burger I have ever eaten in my entire life
she smiled a little at you she sat down and grabbed a tissue and wiped the sauce away from a round your mouth
lesso - that's better
she smiled then started eating her food you dipped your chips in the gravy and it tasted better than the burger
y/n - lesso what do these people use to cook there food
lesso - oil and seasoning
y/n - what salt and pepper?
lesso - yes but these are there signature chips so they have marinated them in onion powder paprika brown sugar and other stuff and the gravy is made from the left over broth where they cook the chicken
y/n - is this what all the shops out there are
lesso - no there all different there are clothes shops, shoe shops, perfume shops, snack shops they also have a cinema not far from here
y/n - cinema?
lesso - it's a massive building with different rooms that play different movies that haven't been put into any film apps on a normal tv
y/n - that sounds cool
lesso - you would love it maybe I'll take you tomorrow
y/n - not everyone will be passed out in the hall tomorrow you will get in trouble
lesso - I could just spray the vents again
y/n - you can't keep using it lesso
lesso - then I will make our own cinema tomorrow I will buy snacks popcorn fizzy drinks and we can cuddle in blankets watching films all day
y/n - that sounds really nice
you smiled and she grabbed another tissue wiping gravy from around your mouth this time
lesso - your adorable you know that
you frowned
y/n - no I'm just a messy eater
you both ate all the food and you was full
y/n - I can't eat anymore lesso
lesso - you get full easily
y/n - I'm used to smaller portions Gavaldon doesn't really have as many greasy or bulky foods just fruit veg and basic meat sometimes some rice or bread but that's it
lesso - I'm done as well did you want to go to the corner shop get snacks for tomorrow
y/n - I don't think I can walk
lesso - I'll carry you then
y/n - I was only joking lesso
lesso - I can give you a piggy back
y/n - really?
lesso - of course I'll go pay then we can leave
you cleaned up the mess and put the rubbish in the bin but you had no idea we're to put the tray
worker - oh I'll take that
you turned round to see the same worker from earlier
y/n - oh ok
she took the tray slowly and looked at the table you and lesso was just eating at a little confused
worker - you , you cleared the table?
y/n - was I not meant to?
worker - no no it's fine it's just people don't usually clean it up they leave it for us
y/n - that's not right if you're serving the food as well
she laughed a little and smiled
worker - it is my job but it's nice for someone not to give me as much of a hassle
y/n - even if it is your job people should still clean up after themselves
she just smiled at you
worker - is that umm your older sister over there
she pointed to lesso
y/n - oh no were not related
worker - oh so friends
y/n - I don't know what we're calling it but it's more then that
worker - oh ok well I hope you two have a nice rest of your day
you smiled at her
y/n - you to
she walked of and lesso came over to you
lesso - you ready to go darling
y/n - mhm
lesso - ok come on
you both left the building

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