Chapter 29

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(This chapter will be different 🫢🤫)

Hort - I'm not gonna go to hex
Hester - good you can hang with me ugly got cancelled
Anadil - why?
Hester - I don't know but I'm happy for the free
Hort - yeh I kind of wasn't going to hex so I could hang out with someone else
Hester - OoOo spill
Hort - no he's not as open as I am and we need to build our relationship first before anyone judges
Hester - I wouldn't judge anyway but ok
Anadil - I'm gonna study we have an exam tomorrow
Hester - oh my god you guys are so boring where's y/n
hort - she ran off with lesso
Hester rolled her eyes
Hester - of course right we'll I'll just roam the good castle it's pretty nice you know no mould or damp and smells good to
Anadil - see you later
hort - by Hester
Hester - by guys
they left and Hester huffed walking towards the school for good. once she got inside she went upstairs she had only been there for food or assembly's she had never fully explored. being so indulged by the beauty of the building she accidentally knocked into someone
Hester - HEY WATCH- oh hey I'm sorry
Sofie dusted herself off
Sofie - it's ok
Hester - what are you up to
Sofie - going to my dorm it's the only time of day I can have it to myself
Hester - do you not have your own?
Sofie - no why do you
Hester - yeh
Sofie - that's so not fair
Hester - hmm
they both stood awkwardly for a moment in silence looking around trying to get distracted
Sofie - d-did you want to come see my room I bet it looks a lot different to yours
Hester - uh yeh sure
they both walk to Sofie's room and it's beautiful it has three beds and three desks with massive mirrors on and it's all pink and white with gold engravings, the duvets are fluffy and plump unlike the thin flat bedding the evil school had.
hester - I know we're evil but doesn't mean we have to live like animals these rooms are so much better then ours
Sofie - to be honest I would much rather have a room of my own then a decent cover
hester - trust me being closer to the shaded side of the school grounds makes it much colder at night and we have sheets for duvets
Sofie - oh well you can have a pillow and duvet I have three I don't need that many I'm used to having what you have anyway I know what that's like
hester - seriously you would let me have them
Sofie - yeh I'm not using them any time soon
she handed her a duvet and pillow
hester - did you wanna come see my room unless you was busy then-
Sofie - no! I-I would love to come see your castle it's just I'm not aloud on your grounds
hester - oh right we'll maybe another time at night so you can't be seen
Sofie - maybe...I am good at sneaking out
hester - I'll see you later tonight then
she went to walk off
Sofie - wait
hester turned back around
Sofie - I don't know your room number or floor
hester - oh right it's the second floor room 10
Sofie - ok I'll see you later then
Hester - by
she smiled and Hester walked back to her room putting her new bedding on it was much nicer and cleaner, going to bed tonight was gonna be a lot warmer then usual.

3 hours later :
Hort - where have you been!
y/n - I was with lesso
Anadil - oh well that explains it
hester - 3 hours!
y/n - it doesn't last that long god we're not animals
hester - oh how long does it take
y/n - first of that's to personal to answer second it's different with everyone
dot - what about you hester who did you hang out with today
hester - nobody I just walked round this castle it's so nice here you know
everyone looked her weirdly
hester - clean wise don't worry I'm not a massive fan of the pink everywhere
Hort - yeh, I know we're evil but our castle doesn't have to be dirty
y/n - so hester you spoke to Sofie yet
hester - not yet no
she was a bit red
y/n - are you lying?
hester - why would I lie
y/n - idk
Lesso - oh my god Sofie's sneaking to her room tonight
y/n - WHAT!!!
Hester - I've been busy
dot - you didn't bump into her whilst roaming the halls?
hester - she has class you know
anadil - well anyways let's talk about the ball tonight should we meet outside the hall or someone's room then walk down together
y/n - yeh about that I went to a meeting earlier I wasn't aloud in but I could try use my powers
dot - that will have to do
Hester - wait tonight?
y/n - yes, why is there a problem Hester?
Hester - there's no problem
she was upset but then she thought of something clever she was gonna leave a note on her bedroom door
Hester - I say we meet outside the hall I'm not going to the never castle to come back over
Hort - yeh same
y/n - ok then
Lesso - I'm taking an umbrella
y/n - you'll make it obvious
lesso - tell me before you pull it
y/n - what if I want to see you covered in blood
lesso - I will not be impressed with that darling
y/n - oh well
you all ate your dinners then waited for hours until dusk which was when the ball was starting
Hester - ok and done
she stuck her note to the door then left to the good school
dot - is this everyone?
anadil - I think so
y/n - ok let's do this
you peaked your head one side whilst the others peaked at the other side of the door frame. You concentrated and managed to untie the rope from behind the curtain. blood sprayed everywhere. it was like a scene out of a horror movie , everyone screaming and covered in blood most girls crying to about their dresses being ruined and running out the hall
you saw lesso who wasn't very impressed as you did not tell her you was about to do it, she spit out some blood
lesso - dovey I don't know if you can see but I am also covered in blood I'm just as mad as you there is no need to shout
she carried on screaming at lesso who was not happy and you all laughed then Sofie came to the doors in a pretty dress
y/n - look at you all dressed up thought you didn't want to go
Sofie - glad I didn't that looks horrific
dot - I know it's so cool
y/n - I would have found you if you wanted to watch but I didn't think you enjoyed this kind of thing
Sofie - I don't I just wanted to wear the dress
y/n - oh ok well we have to run if we don't want to get caught you can come if you want
Sofie - no it's ok I'm just gonna go to my room
she walked of and you all ran to the field but didn't notice you was missing one
y/n - where's Hester?
Sofie took her heels of and put them on the floor not realising the girl behind her
Hester - Sofie...
she turned round to see Hester staring in awe
Hester - you look gorgeous
Sofie - I uh..I saw your note I thought maybe you would be going back with your friends afterwards I was gonna come to your room later
Hester - I forgot that the ball was tonight
Hester walked in and shut the door behind her getting closer to Sofie
Hester - did you make this?
Sofie - mhm...for class
Hester - your so talented
they stared at each other for a good minute before Hester placed her hand on Sofie's cheek
Hester - you don't think the other girls will come in do you
Sofie - t-there in the showers probably
Hester - good..
she kissed her passionately they stood kissing for a while until someone started banging on the door
Hester - oh no
Sofie - window go out the window
Hester - ok
Hester jumped out the window standing by the frame and Sofie standing by the inside frame
Sofie - I'll meet you later your room promise
Hester smiled and ran of to her room as quick as possible

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