Chapter 11

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it got to the end of the day and you had spent the whole time in your room. truthfully you didn't want to leave but only because you had nowhere to go not because you wanted to stay.
lesso - the birds waiting for you outside the school
you had your suitcase packed already as it hadn't been unpacked since you got there
lesso - come on let's go
you wiped your tears and left the room holding your suitcase walking past lesso ignoring her completely as she walked down the hall but she stopped you in the main area of the school for evil
lesso - you do know you won't be aloud back here
y/n - it's not like I want to be here anyway
lesso - you would seriously want to go back to that crappy town
y/n - I don't want to go back I don't even have anywhere to sleep there but if it means I'm not spoken to like shit then I'm going
lesso - what do you mean you don't have anywhere to sleep?
y/n - forget it
you walked of and before lesso could change your mind or stop you the bird had taken you back.

(I'm joking! obviously couldn't help myself)

the bird dropped you of in an open space and it was pitch black either late at night or early morning but it was freezing you was shaking and decided to sit in the graveyard on your suitcase wondering if this was better or worse than being at the school but it didn't matter you was never gonna be aloud back and lesso made that clear.

3 days later

it was night time again and the mix between scorching hot during the day and freezing at night drained you. you was laying in a field away from Gavaldon you didn't want to see your parents or your friends parents as they would ask to many questions. you was cold wet sick and sleeping with a hoodie as a cover and two on you. your nose was red and so was your cheeks you was barely awake because you was to weak from no food or drink for 4 days you didn't eat before you left your horrible fairytale. You regretted leaving the school even if there was one person you didn't particularly like and you had to see her everyday you was safe and you had at least friends to talk to. you eventually fell asleep shivering and shaking nose running and tears staining your cheeks some more. you wasn't dreaming you couldn't you wasn't even processing your terrible decision to come back to Gavaldon. the tiny bit of rest you needed was interrupted by someone in the trees you only opened your eyes not knowing why because you couldn't see anything anyway it was to dark and your vision had gone blurry. someone was walking towards you but you couldn't move you was weak and tired so you just shut your eyes not wanting to acknowledge what was about to happen. you felt someone scoop you up and heard a growling noise and the rustling of the things in your suitcase being moved about.
? - she's really sick we need to get her some covers or blankets and water and food
you felt yourself being carried somewhere but eventually fell back asleep as the walk was going on for hours.
you woke up in a familiar bed wrapped in a big fluffy blanket your shoes on the floor and your suitcase propped up against the desk which someone was sitting at. you didn't move only looked around and realised lesso was sitting at the desk without her blazer you admitted it was hot but why was you back there?
y/n - wait? what? why am I here again?
lesso - hey your up
you sat up and she came up to you
lesso - hey no lay back down
y/n - why am I here I thought I couldn't come back
lesso - I'm gonna be honest
she sat sat down on the edge of the bed and pushed some hair out your face tucking it behind your ear
lesso - I spied on you the moment you got back to Gavaldon I know it was wrong but I couldn't help but think about you saying you had nowhere to sleep so I figured I'd make sure you would be ok then I done it for a few more days and I'm glad I did because you was nearly dead when I found you. you got the flu and sleeping in the cold and the rain wasn't helping
y/n - I was fine
lesso - no you wasn't and your still sick so lay back down
you laid back down but only because you hadn't laid in a bed for 3 days it was nice
lesso - I made you some chicken soup
y/n - I-I'm not hungry
lesso - don't you dare lie to me you haven't eaten for days so I'm pouring you some soup
you was to weak to argue so you didn't you only heard her pour the liquid into a bowl and she sat back on the edge of the bed
lesso - I know I said to lay back down but you may have to sit up to eat this
you sat back up and held the bowl your hands where red you was still cold but the bowl warmed your hands up nicely but something still bugged you
y/n - lesso
lesso - hmm
you looked up from the bowl and she was already looking at you
y/n - you don't .... you don't hate me do you?
lesso - why would I hate you
y/n - I don't know you seemed angry the last time we talked I thought you would be upset not mad
lesso - I was upset I just...I just get angry when I get upset
y/n - so you don't hate me
lesso - no
you looked down at the bowl you felt bad for what you said
lesso - i know I was horrible when you first got here and i really am sorry y/n I seriously am it was wrong of me to treat you like that especially being new and not knowing what's going on it was cruel
you looked up at her again and you could tell by her face she meant it she looked generally sorry
y/n - I-I know and I didn't mean to ignore you but I wasn't exactly thinking properly
lesso - you was very drunk
y/n - yeh
you fiddled with the spoon and was staring into the bowl again feeling awkward
lesso - well eat that then get some more sleep you need it your properly ill this time not just a little cold
she got up and went back to her desk going back to paper work and you ate the delicious soup in seconds
lesso - you want more?
y/n - no I'm ok
you put the bowl back next to the pot and looked over at her desk
y/n - are you marking papers?
lesso - yes and they are awful the only student that can do anything is probably Hester but she has been locked in her room for a couple days
y/n - oh why?
she turned round to you
lesso - hort and Hester put blood into the sprinklers to ruin the evers ball and it's gonna take them forever to get it out of all of them
y/n - I bet the Evers aren't happy about that
lesso - not exactly no but I'm sure my students will ruin it another way
she turned back around and you sat for a minute until you realised something
y/n - omg I need to see Agatha and Sofie they haven't seen me for 4 days
you went to get out of bed but she stopped you
lesso - hey no no you can see them another time
y/n - but
lesso - no buts come on back to sleep you need rest
you huffed and laid back in bed she pulled the cover over you admittedly you was absolutely knackered and drained and still cold even with multiple fluffy blankets over you. lesso decided to get into bed to since it was late and she cuddled you
y/n - lesso I don't think this is appropriate
lesso -we've kissed and I've offered to shower with you I don't think this is that inappropriate
she started to warm up and it felt like you was laying on top of a heater it was amazing. you turned round and snuggled into her
y/n - how are you doing that
lesso - my powers are fire I can control my body heat
y/n - I love it
you both soon fell asleep cuddling

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