Chapter 13

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you walked down the hall a bit when lesso crept up behind you
lesso - hello
y/n - AGH! omg you can't do that lesso you scared the shit out of me
lesso - I'm sorry
she was smiling and she started walking you just followed not having a clue where she was going
y/n - where are we going?
lesso - well since you're so curious about the doom room I'll take you there
y/n - I-I don't want to
lesso - why not
y/n - well I was with some of the students and they didn't say very great things about it
lesso - oh no don't worry that's for if someone misbehaves
you just fiddled with your thumbs
lesso - we don't have to go we can go back to bed
y/n - I will go as long as you promise not to use your weapons on me
she stopped you
lesso - I wouldn't want to hurt you
y/n - ok
you continued walking and a smirk grew on her face
lesso - unless you want me to
y/n - why would I want you to hurt me?
lesso - not in that way darling
you was confused but got to a metal door it smelt horrid
y/n - what is that smell
lesso - it's a mix between burnt flesh and blood
you just looked at her shocked at her blank expression as she opened the door and you walked in it was like a cell but the weapons weren't in a box it was on a railing displayed like in a museum and a chair with ties on the arms and at the bottom for the ankles
lesso - i have other weapons in here but those are my favourites for display
y/n - you know in my school back at Gavaldon we just had a ruler hit on our hands
lesso - well this school is different and I do give them the option I mean what would you choose
y/n - probably this I wouldn't want to be turned into another animal for eternity
lesso - I wouldn't hurt you like that anyway not even if you asked
y/n - I doubt I would ever ask for you to hurt me like that
lesso - ok come on let's go to bed now you look like you can barely stand
y/n - I'm fine ok I just get weak when I'm ill
lesso - everyone does darling
she picked you up
y/n - hey woah what are you doing?
lesso - I'm carrying you your legs looked wobbly I don't even know how you got downstairs let alone to the main hall
you wrapped your legs around her waist and arms around her neck and she just looked at you and you looked at her
y/n - am I to heavy?
lesso - I've carried file boxes heavier than you sweetheart
y/n - I still feel like I'm to heavy
lesso - it wouldn't matter if you was heavy I have super strength
y/n - so you can carry anything?
lesso - yes even cars but not for to long
y/n - I'm not to heavy to carry all the way to your room am I?
lesso - baby your not heavy trust me even if I didn't have super strength you would be really light
y/n - could you maybe umm do the heater thing when we get in bed?
she grinned
lesso - of course I will
she walked of and carried you to her room you had rested your head in her neck
lesso - I also asked a guard to bring up a plate of food for you to
you hummed a response and once you got to the bedroom she instantly tried to put you in bed but you wouldn't let go you was attached like a sloth
lesso - you'll have to get of me
y/n - nooo
lesso - well we can't cuddle in bed if you won't let me put you in the bed
y/n - but we can't cuddle sitting up and I can't lay down and eat
lesso - I can cuddle you whilst sitting up
y/n - how?
lesso - if you let go I can show you ok
y/n - fine
you unwrapped yourself from lesso's body and stood on the floor she sat up in bed then sat you in her lap both facing the tv she wrapped her arms around your waist
y/n - ok maybe you can cuddle me whilst sitting up
she put a plate of food in front of you and put the tv on
lesso - I'll put on some more marvel films
y/n - with the Tin man and the spider woman
lesso - this one has more people in it to the main characters
y/n - ok
she put on the first avengers and you fell in love with black widow a fictional character
lesso - you know I have other powers other than being a heater and being able to carry cars
y/n - like what?
she put your empty plate back on the bed side cabinet
lesso - super speed
y/n - anything else
lesso - hmm only one more thing
y/n - what is it?
she whispered in your ear
lesso - shapeshifting
y/n - omg could you turn into a little bunny rabbit like a baby one the size of my hand
lesso - what? no that's not really are pure aren't you
y/n - it depends what you mean by pure
lesso - have you ever been with anyone?
y/n - I've had a girlfriend yes but people don't really date in Gavaldon and it was hard to spend time considering my town is very old fashioned and don't agree with people like us
lesso - how long did you date this girl
y/n - like a couple weeks she got scared about everyone finding out which is understandable I wouldn't want to be burnt alive for liking someone
lesso - have you ever properly been with anyone
y/n - what do you mean?
lesso - I mean like the things people do when they date someone
y/n - I've only ever kissed you nobody else
lesso - you've not even kissed anyone?
y/n - I've kissed you
lesso - not properly
y/n - w-what do you mean not properly
lesso - we was interrupted
y/n - it was still a kiss
lesso - we can carry it on if you want
y/n - b-but I don't want to get you sick to
lesso - oh no darling my immune system is really strong besides I've been cuddling with you anyway and I feel fine
you felt a pair of hands on your cheeks softly holding your face
lesso - your skin is so soft
you put your head back resting it on her chest your faces only inches apart voices lowered to a whisper one of her hands still holding your cheek gently and one pushing hair behind your ear
lesso - your gorgeous
you just stared at her for a second
y/n - nobody's ever told me that before
lesso - not even the other girl in Gavaldon
y/n - I'd rather not talk about her right now
lesso - me neither
she moved in closer and kissed you softly you felt safe and happy at that moment until it had to be ruined
dovey - LESSO!
she was banging and shouting outside the door
lesso - oh for fuck sake
y/n - I'll stay under the covers go see what she wants
lesso - I'm sorry
y/n - it's ok it's not your fault
she got up and opened the door the bed was out of view but she kept it closed as much as possible
lesso - what do you want
dovey - oh I'm sorry am I distracting you from work
lesso - yes I was doing papers
dovey - your weekend job is not paper work it's supervision we caught three nevers trying to rig the ball room again for next week
lesso - look I cant control my students and you have a guard there at all times it's not like they got through is it
dovey - no but still why do your students insist on ruining a nice evening for my students
lesso - ask them not me
she shut the door on dovey and you heard her heels click as she walked away. lesso turned the lights of came over and cuddled you whilst you was still under the blankets
y/n - it's pretty nice under here
lesso - I turned the lights of darling it'll still be dark if you pull the covers down
y/n - it's warm under here
lesso - I can warm you up and it's easier to breathe out here
she pulled the covers down and you snuggled into her chest wrapping your arms around her as she had used her powers to turn into a human heater again
lesso - your cute
she put her leg over your waist bringing you closer to her
y/n - and you're comfy
lesso - you wanna set an alarm for lunch
y/n - no it's ok we know where it will be if we miss it I just want to cuddle and sleep
lesso - ok
she held you gently yet tightly
lesso - you will not be escaping this time
you laughed a little and soon fell asleep in her arms lesso wasn't tired but she closed her eyes and enjoyed the cuddling waiting for you to wake up so she could hear your beautiful voice again

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