Chapter 4

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you laid on your arms and almost dozed off but more students came into the classroom. you jumped up as the door shut and lesso frowned at you.
y/n - I-I wasn't sleeping...well nearly but-
lesso - just shut up
you slumped back in your seat and huffed
lesso - right be quiet and take the test
everyone picked up their pens and began answering the questions and lesso had her own conversation with you so nobody else could hear
lesso - you can do some more reports
she gave you another chunk of paper and your pen back
y/n - no my hand kills
lesso - you'll regret it if you don't
y/n - I doubt that
you laid your head back down on the desk and lesso tuts
lesso - ok then later will be very enjoyable for me
y/n - yeh whatever redhead
you squiggled a little on a piece of paper and then realised the window wasn't far and you had a very nice view on the castle of the school for good. you started a fresh piece of paper and began drawing it, drawing came easy to you but no matter what it always consumed time like a sponge absorbing water.
lesso - ok that's the end of class put your pens down and get out of here
everyone packed up and you was still doing details on the castle
lesso - I hope for your sake you have been writing reports
she pulled the paper out from under your hand and looked at it
y/n - I wasn't finished
lesso - you did not draw this in 1 hour
y/n - I'm not done give it back
she raised an eyebrow at you
y/n - whatever just forget it
you got up and went to leave but she grabbed your arm
y/n - ow fuck
you looked at your arm and then up at her she frowned
lesso - oh come on I didn't grab you that hard
you pull your arm back
y/n - just get me when we have a meeting or something
lesso - we have lunch now and you get to sit at the big girl table
you leave and go to your room before she could say anything else lesso looked at your drawing and then back at the door watching it swing shut.
she didn't screw up the picture or chuck it in the bin she put it on her desk and then left to go to the lunch hall.
dovey - where is your apprentice lesso
lesso - uh I don't know she didn't want lunch
Sophie and Agatha look over at the teachers table and don't see you
Sophie - should we ask where she is
Agatha - I don't know what's her room number
Sophie - I don't know maybe lesso would know
Agatha - let's go ask her
she got up but Sophie pulled her back down
Sophie - are you crazy you know the rules we can't go to the teachers table
Agatha - what she gonna do give me the stink eye
Sophie - yes!
Agatha rolled her eyes
dovey - so how evil have you been to the poor girl today
lesso - she hasn't even had the most of it I only made her do reports today
Anemone - that's what I do
lesso - not 30 each lesson well she didn't on the second lesson she said her hand hurt
dovey - 30! in one class really lesso
tree guy - that's absurd nobody can write that many pages in that time I barely write 10
lesso - well she did all 30
dovey - wow
lesso - and she drew a nice picture of the castle
anemone - she draws
lesso - very well actually
Sophie - I hope she's not relapsing again she's probably going through hell
Agatha - she hasn't eaten in a couple days and she's not at lunch somethings not right
lesso - I'll be back in a second
dovey - where are you going
lesso - that's none of your business
she got up and left but Agatha caught up with her
Agatha - hey you haven't been an asshole have you
lesso - excuse me
Agatha - she isn't at lunch and I haven't seen her in a couple days
lesso - I've only asked what is expected of someone her age
Agatha - just be considerate she's still 17 you know and she doesn't know much about this place let alone work here
lesso - you make it sound like I've made her go through a painstaking war get back to the lunch hall and eat your food I'll tell her to see you after classes today if your that worried
she looked a little angry and Agatha felt worried but a little scared she had made the most evil person she knows angry
Agatha - no it's ok I've got to plan the Evers ball with Beatrice anyway
lesso - well it's not like she was free to meet you in the first place
she left to go see you and Agatha went back to her table. lesso walked up to your door and knocked.
lesso - y/n? you ok
y/n - shit
you put the blade in the sink and washed your arm quickly chucking a hoodie on.
lesso - hello?
y/n - I-I'll be out in a sec
you wiped your tears and brace yourself before opening the door.
lesso - hey, you changed?
y/n - I-it's cold here
lesso - have you been crying?
y/n - what do you want lesso
lesso - just to ask why you didn't have lunch
y/n - I didn't feel like it
lesso - well you need to eat
y/n - I said get me when you need me ok now fuck off
lesso - stop swearing at me
you rolled your eyes and tried to shut the door but she put her foot in the way and opened it against you being stronger
y/n - what do you want with me look I'll do the essays just leave me the fuck alone
lesso - I don't want essays I just want you to stop speaking to me like I'm a friend or a parent
y/n - look just...just leave my room please
you was gonna pass out you hadn't eaten in nearly three days and you had lost quite a bit of blood during the week
lesso - are you ok?
y/n - I will be once you leave
lesso looked you up and down and you tried your best to look full of energy but it wasn't great
lesso - ok
she left and once she shut the door you collapsed on the floor and it made a thud
lesso - y/n?
she opened the door and immediately went down to your level
lesso - hey come on wake up
she was holding your face in her hands sitting beside you panicking
lesso - please wake up
you didn't you was cold and it was visible on your nose and cheeks they were red. your immune system wasn't great when it came to changes in weather or temperature.
lesso - omg your ice cold
she put her hand on your head and focused closing her eyes her finger glowed and you started to move a little
lesso - y/n?
y/n - l-lesso
lesso - hey
she stroked the top of your head
y/n - how long have I been out
lesso - a few minutes don't worry
y/n - only a few minutes?
lesso - I brought you back with my powers
y/n - Jesus my head hurts
lesso - well you went down with a thud so I'm guessing you hit your head
you shut your eyes again you was dizzy and tired
lesso - I'll tell the headmaster what happened so he knows your not just skipping the meeting later
y/n - I want to go there school is warmer
lesso - no no your staying here in bed till you feel better
she scooped you up and put you into your bed
y/n - it's to cold these covers are thin as fuck
she stopped for a second and glared at you
y/n - s-sorry
she stood up
lesso - I'll be back in a second
she left and came back in a few seconds holding a massive fluffy cover
lesso - this should warm you up it's big for me so you will drown in it
she wrapped you up in it and you smelt it. it smelt like her she didn't notice you sniffed it though.
lesso - there we go
you cuddled your pillow and relished in the warmth
lesso - I'll bring you some soup
y/n - I don't like soup
lesso - to bad I make a nice chicken soup it'll get rid of that cold
she booped your nose and poured you a glass of water leaving it on your bedside table.
lesso - I'll tell your friends to come see you later but for now go to sleep
she turned the lights of and you took the opportunity cosying up and smelling her scent whilst you fall asleep
lesso - goodnight
she quietly shut the door leaving you to dream peacefully.

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