Chapter 10

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they both dragged you to Sofie's room and you saw bottles of alcohol
y/n - you know I don't really drink
Agatha - your 18 now your an adult
y/n - I don't know it doesn't really taste nice at all
Sofie - it's not meant to it's meant to get you drunk
y/n - fine but just one
2 hours later ...
Agatha - hmm we finished the bottles
y/n - what? all 10?
Sofie - yep aroo
Agatha - isn't it lunch time?
Sofie - yes I'm starving
y/n - we are all drunk we can't go to lunch idiots
there was a knock on the door
lesso - girls you're not doing anything you shouldn't are you?
Agatha - go away nobody likes you
lesso - open the door
Sofie - y/n it's your birthday do you fancy talking to your boss
y/n - hmm no I don't like her
Sofie - ok I'll go tell her
she got up and stumbled to the door opening it a little you was lying on the floor playing with some fabric under Sofie's bed and Agatha sitting on the bed side cabinet swinging her legs
Sofie - she doesn't like you and doesn't want to talk to you so bu by now
lesso - what? let me in
she pushed the door open fully and just looked at the state you three where in
lesso - you got her drunk
Agatha - it's her 18th now piss of
lesso - watch it , nevers aren't the only students I have meetings with in my doom room
Sofie - doom room?
sofie was swaying on the door trying to keep herself up and giggling
lesso - y/n we have a meeting tomorrow and you hate them as it is you seriously want a hangover to
y/n - fuck you I'm an adult and you're not my mum
she raised her eyebrows and you sat up frowning at her
lesso - what have I done to you
y/n - you've been a bitch since I got here so fuck you
lesso - seriously? have the last 2 days just gone over your head
y/n - oh please it wasn't real considering the shit you said the first few days i was here
lesso - fine...if that's how you feel then I will forget the past couple days myself
she left and Sofie shut the door all three of you giggling
Sofie - she doesn't seem to happy
y/n - I couldn't care less
you hadn't exactly realised what you said considering you are wasted
Agatha - anyway let's continue with our gossip
you all talked until Sofie and Agatha had passed out and you was stumbling back to bed it wasn't to late but nobody was in the halls
lesso - Jesus Christ your a state
except her she was waiting to see if you truly meant what you said earlier
y/n - what do you want
lesso - I know you're drunk but you didn't actually mean what you said earlier did you
y/n - i don't know but It was true you treated me like shit when I got here and I forgot that because you tried to convince me that it wasn't real or you didn't mean it but you did because if you didn't you wouldn't have been a bitch in the first place
lesso - I didn't mean that I was just being me I talk like that to everyone
y/n - yeh well I don't like it so you can take your shit back
you grabbed her cover and chucked it in the hallway at her feet she looked more upset then angry
lesso - you can keep it you get ill easily
y/n - I don't want it smells like you and it makes me feel even more sick
you then took her jumper of leaving you in a shirt chucking it at her feet on top of the blanket then you went into your room and slammed the door and lesso quietly went into her room upset. You put a different jumper on got into bed and fell asleep almost immediately
you woke up to an alarm when you turned it of you sat up and rubbed your eyes it was day time but it wasn't very nice weather it was dark and rainy and freezing cold. you went to wrap yourself in that big fluffy blanket but remembered last night
y/n - oh
you sat with mixed emotions and feelings as it was half true what you said but you didn't exactly know if she meant what she said after or before it  made your mind and stomach churn you felt sick. literally sick you got up and ran to the toilet throwing up and your head ached , like a hammer was repetitively being crashed onto your skull every second and it only got worse when somebody knocked on your door
lesso - we have a meeting in 10 minutes get up and dressed
she walked of she didn't even come into the room  she sounded angry to, you rinsed your mouth and brushed your teeth then picked out a hoodie and joggers you couldn't be asked with your hair but it wasn't that bad so you left it how it was. you sat on your bed for around 15 minutes then decided you didn't want to go to the meeting and just wanted to stay in bed so you did it was a Sunday anyway and you knew you wasn't needed so you curled up in bed and shivered a little going back to sleep. after around 30 minutes someone was banging on your door and it hurt your head.
y/n - what
you couldn't move as it was your first hangover you wasn't use to the headache and stomach ache and the whole body ache like the flu but 10x worse and the weather wasn't helping and neither was the woman who came barging in
lesso - I told you we had a meeting what do you think you're doing
y/n - I don't feel well
lesso - I couldn't give a shit I told you last night that we had a meeting and you needed to be there
you sat up and looked at her she seemed really angry
y/n - did i really have to be there what did I miss
lesso - fine maybe you didn't but when I tell you to do something you do it I'm your boss don't forget
y/n - you know what no I don't want to work and I'm not getting paid anything
lesso - the payment is a place to live and food and water
y/n - is that your payment to
lesso - your not fully under the work system so you won't get paid properly not yet
y/n - well I'm not gonna sit in a classroom and do work for free and considering I don't know what the fuck I'm doing I shouldn't be working at all I didn't even want to be here I wanted to go home
lesso - I can arrange that if you want
y/n - yes
lesso - fine I'll do the paper work now you can leave at the end of the day
she left and you sat tears falling down your cheeks remembering you wouldn't have anywhere to go back to

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