Chapter 5

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you woke up but it was dark not light. you didn't remember much only that you passed out after talking to lesso.
y/n - what the fuck happened
you sat up and looked at the clock
y/n - 2:30 am!
you looked beside it to see a pot with a note on top
I'm sure you will be hungry while you are reading this and I promised you chicken soup you may not remember but I made it for you anyway
- lesso
You grabbed the pot and the spoon next to it the soup smelt really good and tasted brilliant, you was in the middle of eating it all wrapped up in the blanket when lesso slowly opened the door
lesso - oh your awake sorry I just came to check on you
y/n - it's ok
you continued eating the soup
lesso - do you like it?
you nodded but don't look up
lesso - ok well at 9 we have a meeting you don't have to go if your not up to it
y/n - no it's ok I'll go
lesso - ok and I want to see you at breakfast for 9:30
y/n - I thought classes start at 9
lesso - yes but everyone has different times based on their schedules the teachers that have a lesson at that time eat with the kids in the morning at 8 but we don't have a class so we're eating at 9:30
y/n - do you know what the meeting is about
lesso - probably some silly panic over the Evers ball
y/n - why would people panic
lesso - well my students tend to crash it and last year they sprayed red paint all over the nevers so I can't wait to see what they come up with this year
you smile at her mischievous grin
y/n - you don't try stopping them
lesso - never I love it even if I do get covered in very random things every year myself it's good fun
You finish the soup then get up walking over to her and handing her the pot
y/n - thank you
lesso - your colds already going
the redness of your cheeks and nose had faded quite a bit
y/n - yeh that blankets really warm
lesso - keep it I wouldn't want my assistant getting I'll on her first few days
y/n - it's yours?
y/n - I did think it smelt like her
Lesso - I have a few and I don't really need it
y/n - thanks
lesso - well get back to bed it's late we'll early and you need to be up in a few hours
y/n - ok goodnight
lesso - goodnight
she left with her pot and you curled back into bed falling asleep soon.
*buzz buzz*
you slammed your hand on the clock it was 8:30
y/n - shit I pressed snooze
you got up and got changed into some leggings and a hoodie but left your hair yet since it was curly it didn't matter then lesso knocked on your door.
lesso - y/n it's nearly 9 are you ready?
y/n - yeh I'm just getting my shoes on
you put your dr martens on then opened the door she was wearing her usual and she smiled at you
lesso - bad hair day?
y/n - I pressed snooze
lesso - ah ok come on
she walked of you shut you're door locked it then caught up with her
y/n - you walk fast
lesso - I have long legs you have short legs
y/n - I'm not that short for my age your just tall
lesso - I know but so is my whole family
y/n - can I ask you something
lesso - sure
y/n - is it alright if I see Sophie and Agatha tomorrow
lesso - what for 
y/n - no reason it'll only be an hour in my room at lunch
lesso - as long as you eat lunch then yeh
y/n - ok
You both got to the meeting room at exactly 9:00 am and everyone was just sitting in their seats you was sat at the end of the table next to lesso and you saw the headmaster at the other end of the table
headmaster - I have some worries about the Evers ball
dovey - so do I the nevers always ruin it
you put your feet on the edge of the chair and wrap your arms around your legs laying your head on your knees
headmaster - lesso do you have any idea if this year will follow last years patterns
lesso - I have no idea and I didn't know last year either I allow my students to express themselves without being questioned or interrogated
you was looking at the room books were everywhere
dovey - LIES! she's always in on it!
you spoke to lesso as dovey flapped her hands about
y/n - jeez is she always this dramatic
lesso - yes
dovey - I am not dramatic!
headmaster - and who might you be
every looked at you but you looked at the man at the end of the table you only stared a little nervous
lesso - I mentioned her to you sir this is y/n
headmaster - oh the assistant
lesso - yes
headmaster - very well then
you looked away and unhooked your arms from around your legs picking at the skin on your fingers
dovey - she's not even that powerful sir I don't think she should be involved in our meetings
headmaster - would you like to test this
lesso - dovey you was literally there the other day when she flung tedros across the room
dovey - that doesn't mean anything lesso it could have been Adrenalin
you have a few powers telekinesis, heightened senses, hypnosis, and your favourite regeneration
headmaster - y/n would you elaborate on your powers
y/n - Telekinesis hyper fixation hypnosis and I can regenerate
lesso - regenerate?
y/n - yeh so if I lost a finger it would grow back but it doesn't work with minor injuries which isn't amazing but I'm not complaining about it
dovey - oh come on you don't believe this
you use your telekineses to bring over one of the knives you saw on display and you chop your finger of
dovey - OMG
lesso - Y/N!
y/n - what I do it all the time look
your finger grows back and there's still a severed one on the table
headmaster - I had no doubt
he smiled a little disgusted though by how you literally just chopped your finger of
headmaster - would you mind getting it off my table please
y/n - oh right
you put it in the bin and put the knife back using your powers and lesso looks at you shocked but intrigued. you sit back down and dovey doesn't say anything about you for the rest of the meeting you don't talk to anyone but lesso.
headmaster - well one can only hope that your students are in line lesso but if you are being truthful and don't know what's going on then i can't do anything
dovey - BUT-
headmaster - meeting over you all may go for breakfast now
he cut dovey of and everyone left quickly but you walked pretty slowly behind with lesso
lesso - you know the teachers get better food than the students
y/n - hmm
you wasn't crazy about food quit the opposite actually
lesso - you ok?
y/n - yeh I just don't usually eat breakfast
lesso - well it's one of the 3 meals you need so whilst your here I will be making you have all 3 everyday
you didn't say anything and just walked to the lunch hall all the teachers sat at a big table but you didn't want to your not very social
lesso - we don't have to sit over there we can eat in my office if you want
y/n - yes please
you go over to a self helping bar and grab a plate lesso's was already filling but yours only had a couple bits of bacon and some egg
lesso - give me your plate
she put hers down and you gave it to her watching as she put a couple sausages some more scrambled egg a slice of toast with butter two mini waffles with syrup some strawberry's a vanilla yoghurt and a crossiant then hands it back to you
y/n - I won't eat all that lesso
lesso - well it's there if you want it
she walked off and you followed behind her
dovey - you know I'm not so sure that girl is in the right school
Yuba (tree guy) - just because she's powerful doesn't mean she's kind dovey and besides lesso would probably be mad if you tried taking her most powerful never away
dovey - lesso gets mad at everything
Anemone (beauty teacher) - she's quit skinny I must say
dovey - that has nothing to do with being good or evil
anemone - I'm just saying she has the figure to be a princess and definitely the beauty
dovey - whatever
*back to you and lesso in her office 😏🤭*

I know I'm so evil for that cut off sorry you will have to wait a little for the next chapter 😁

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