Chapter 1

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Arlong's Pov:

I was sitting on my throne thinking when one of my brethren came up to me. I look over at him. It was Hatchen.

"Was the destruction of (Insert Village/Town Name) successful? Was every human/inferior being killed?"

Hatchen hesitates at the last part.

"Well-" He pauses then continues "Yes, we did successfully destroy the village and kill everyone in it but-..."

"But what?" I raise an eyebrow.

"One did survive-."

"What!?! Why would you let them escape?!?"

Hatchan quickly responds waving his multiple hands in the air. "No, they did not escape!! We captured them, we think they might be useful-" (Sorta like Nami)

"Like how?.. Humans are useless inferior beings."

"Yes, yes I know but this one seemed to be different-"

Me and Hatchen talked for a bit then I said,

"Bring them in. I would like to meet this 'human' and see if they truly can be useful for our cause." Hatchan nods and exits and heads through the gate to my left. He disappears and doesn't reappear for multiple minutes. I wait patiently for him to return.

I see him return, he holds the gate for some of the others. I noticed Chew and Kuroobi, but Kuroobi was holding something in his arms. It was kicking and swinging, struggling.

As they get closer, I get closer to look at the human in his arms-


Authors Note:

Sorry this chapter is so short!! But I hope you liked it either way!!

This chapter was worded a bit weird so my apologies- I'm still trying to figure out my writing style.

I don't have much to say for this Author's Notes section but either way I hope you all have a good rest of your day/evening/night!!!

Word Count: 226

Stupid Human- (Arlong x Reader) *On Break*Where stories live. Discover now