Chapter 4

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I'm just gonna casually change the writing style- so don't mind that. Now let's get on with the chapter!!
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Y/n's Pov:

Y/n eventually drifted into a restless sleep and woke up late into the day. The sun shone through the blinds that hung over the window covering them poorly.

Y/n groggily sat up from the bed rubbing their eyes tiredly trying to remember where she was.

When she remembered she froze, her eye's widening.

She sat up abruptly looking around. Everything started to slowly come back, and a pit of dread formed in her stomach.

Y/n hearidly gets up from the bed and rushes over to the door trying to open it but it doesn't budge. She then remembers the window.

She hurries over to it, pulling the cloth blinds open.

The sun blinds y/n for a moment, forcing her to cover her eyes.

When she gets used to the light she tries to open the window but it doesn't budge.

It looks like it was nailed shut.

Y/n groans discontent, and falls onto the bed that was not too far away with a huff.

'Think y/n how can you get out of here?'

After a while of thinking she lets out another groan rolling over onto her stomach looking at the wall, still thinking.

Y/n notices the bookshelf out of the corner of her eye almost forgetting it was there.

She cautiously got up, striding over to take a closer look at the books.

Like she saw before there weren't many but there was a good handful.

She starts to read/look over the spines of the books.

Just like she thought/saw yesterday- most of them were about charting, maps and fishman. But one book on the top shelf catches her attention.

It was pretty thick, and had a wide spine.

She tries to read what it said and written on it was, 'Tales and Tails' then in smaller letters below read, 'Stories & Tales of the Past'.

She tries to reach for it but struggles forcing her to go on her tippy toes.

Just as she was about to reach it, the door made a clicking noise and started to open, startling her. She falls over with a yelp hitting the floor with a groan and thud.

A dark shadow falls over her, looking up she sees a fishman. It wasn't the one from yesterday that brought her here though-

This one was more blue then the other one, who was more of a light gray. This fishman had blonde hair and his lips stayed in a pursed shape.

It then clicks in my head, this is one of the fishman who brought her here AND attacked/destroyed her village.

Her face turns into a scowl.

He glared down at her with a bored expression.

After a moment of silence the fishman finally speaks, "I brought you your food, chu." The fishman shows her a small platter of food, bringing her attention to it.

Her eyes narrow as she looks at the plate.

She glances up at him skeptically, and he beckons at the plate. "Hurry up, I don't have all day. Chu."

Stupid Human- (Arlong x Reader) *On Break*Where stories live. Discover now