Chapter 8

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The room was a decent size and lit dimly, you could see a closet to one side, a coffee table with two sofa blue chairs and one long blue sofa that could fit at least two people. There was also a desk next to the closet.

There were no windows.

But the biggest thing that caught your attention was the gaping hole in the room filled with water.

It looked clean but for some reason you couldn't see the bottom. It even looked like it was glowing.

You step farther into the memorized, forgetting the fishman was there.

You noticed a set of three pillars on each side of the wall decorated with pretty engravings.

While you were absorbed in your viewing that it took you a minute to realize someone was tapping on your shoulder, you jump in surprise letting out a small squeak turning around quickly.

Your e/c eyes meeting Arlongs electric blue. You could see a flicker of amusement reflected in his eyes.

You hope he didn't notice you clutch your arms closer to your chest keeping the book in place.

It doesn't seem he does because instead he asks me, "do you like the room?"

You let out a small nod slightly embarrassed to emit it.

A chuckle sounds out, "glad you have good taste unlike other humans." before you could speak his deep voice sounds out again, "you will be sleeping over there." He pauses to motion at the surrounding sofas, "I will go over a few rules and if any are broken I will not hesitate to punish you or put you in cuffs, you are still my prisoner after all."

"You are lucky your even getting free will. So don't mess it up." His voice had a layered threat underneath and you caught it.

When you shakily nod your head earning a smile to grace his lips.

He strides over the sofas. You decide to follow behind but you kept a safe distance away.


Your arms still crossed tightly across your chest, the book resting uncomfortably under your shirt as you walked .

You were starting to get a bit itchy to your dismay but you held on.
You get an idea and quietly but swiftly take the thick old book out of your shirt and slide it under one of the sofas unnoticeably.

You cross your arms once again and hope you look normal.


He sits down on one of the single sofas and turns to face you.

You decide to sit on the larger one, slightly nervous.

"I am going to make myself very clear, human."

"You are only alive and saved from your town's destruction because you could be of use to me and my brethren."

You stare at the floor, biting the inside of your cheek.

You didn't want to be 'saved' , you didn't want to be here. You should be in the ground burning with the rest of your people but you weren't because of your 'drawing' skills..

Your brows furrow.

You shouldn't be here.

You don't see Arlongs non-existent eyebrow raise slightly but it quickly lowered when he snapped out of it and continued.

"You are to not leave this room unless I tell you to, give permission or one of my brethren come to get you."

"Do I make myself clear?"

Stupid Human- (Arlong x Reader) *On Break*Where stories live. Discover now