Chapter 6

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She looks up and yelps, jumping back in surprise.

A chuckle rings out as she looks up to see a toothy face grinning down at her.

"How was your bath?~" The tall fish man asks with a small smile.

"G- Good I guess-?" She mumbles out avoiding eye contact.

"I'll be going now-" Y/n tries to walk around him but he shifts over and blocks her path.

She looks up slightly startled.

He opens his mouth to say something but is interrupted by the fishman from earlier walked in looking slightly surprised to see the other there.

The fishmans smile falls slightly but quickly raises again as he turns to his crewmate.

"I'll be leaving now." The fishman says, then walks past the other without another word. Leaving both of us slightly perplexed.


The gray fishman brought her back to her room and locked the door again leaving her to her own devices.


It took her a moment to notice the plate of food left on her desk but when she did she took a few nibbles but left the rest.

She walked back to her bed and crouched down on the ground leaning down grabbing the book from under her bed.

She dust it off and sat on her bed flipping to the page that puzzeled her, well there were many but the first one. She then grabbed the little piece of paper but nothing wanting to make sense.

She lets out a defeated sigh and decides to look back at the contents page.


Her finger moved over the old paper as she studied the contents.

'Guess I should just read the first chapter?'

She flipped to the suposide page.

The title reads in fancy letters 'The Sea Below' then below that in smaller letters 'Part 1'.

She flipped another page and started reading. Y/n was surprised that it was in decent condition unlike other parts of the book.


Y/n ended up staying bunkered up in their room for hours reading the book. It intrigued her and helped her distract from her current reality.

She was able to get to the third chapter of the book by the time she had to hide the book when she heard footsteps approaching her room.

The door creaks open revealing the fishman that ran into her earlier, the same fishman that seemed to be the leader of the rest and the one that was keeping her against her will, the same person who she guessed commanded to destroy her town.

Her stomach boiled with quiet rage.

He steps inside, closing the door behind him.

He walks over to the desk and pulls out the chair sitting. It was too small for him though.

He looks at the desk and sees that she hasn't really eaten any of her food. He turns to her with a cocked brow, "I see you haven't eaten your food."

"Wasn't hungry." She simply responds with a cold expression.

After that no one really spoke and we just had a staring show down, no one moved.

He then leans back in his chair with a smile. "I like you. You're not easily intimidated. Feisty might I say." All y/n does is glare in response.

Seeing that only makes his toothy smile widen.

Silence unfolded again. But was broken when he decided to speak again.

"Can you draw something for me?"

Y/n looks at him with slight surprise at the sudden remark.

She quickly got over the sudden shock and narrowed her eyes.

"I'd love to see some of your work."

"I can't draw." Y/n remarks stubbornly.

"Tsk, tsk, tsk now don't lie to me. That's not a good look on you." He says with a smile his eyes gleamed dangerously as if daring me to continue.

She glares at them then resentfully asks what he wants her to draw. His smile widens pleased.

He gets straight to the point, "I'd like you to draw a sea king."

Y/n's eyes widen.

"I've never seen a sea king before- how am I supposed to draw one?"

"That's not my problem." He says simply.

She grids her teeth.

"Is there gonna be an issue?" He raises an eyebrow at her leaning back in the chair.


"Well then get to it." The fishman gets up from the chair, gesturing at the desk.

Y/n groggily gets up and sits at the desk. They lean over a bit and open one of the drawers pulling out a fresh piece of paper.

She closes the drawer with a slam.

She grabs one of the discarded pencils on the desk, she pauses for a moment deep in thought. She knew she was being watched.

Eventually she started to draw while ignoring the fishman and focusing on the task at hand.


Time flew by and the drawing was finished.

He looks over her shoulder easily to see the full drawing and is surprised to see a very accurate illustration of a sea king. He could see barely any flaws in the art. It was amazing.

He picked up the drawing and brought it closer to get a better look.

Y/n waited in silence fidgeting a little with the pencil with now a low led in her hand.

"Hm." Is all he said, y/n's back was facing him but his eyes moved from the paper to them with slight interest and very subtle admiration for the human but he'd never admit that.

Silence once again unfolded, it was almost suffocating.

Finally he spoke, "How long have you been drawing for?" His voice was a low rumble.

She questions if she should answer but then decides what's the harm in saying.

"I've been drawing since... I was a kid I'm pretty sure? I don't really remember though."

The man looked at the drawing dazing off a little but then snaps out of it looking at her before turning around saying simply, "I'll be off then. Have a good rest of your night." And with that he was gone.

Y/n looked a little perplexed. He was here then he wasn't in a flash- also what did he mean by night it's still day or probably the afternoon?

She looked towards the window and to her surprise it was dark out.

'Dam time flys-'

She gets up from the chair with a scrap then walk over to the bed, and simply fall onto it exhausted.

Authors Note:
Sorry for the late update but hope you enjoyed it either way.
Have a good rest of your day/week!!

Word Count: 1081

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