Chapter 5

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Y/n's Pov:

Y/n spent the rest of her day studying and examining the book but not reading anything just yet.

She wasn't disturbed any further, no one came in, and no one bothered her.

Y/n sat by the lamp that was her now only source of light in the dim room.

As the night drew on she didn't find out anything new which discouraged her.

Just as she was about to give up a folded piece of paper fell out of the book.

'What's this?'

She unfolds it but it was hard to read so she puts it under the lamp.


The first part of the text was like a riddle or poem. It read,

Then the second part of the text that was below was too hard to read in the dim light

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Then the second part of the text that was below was too hard to read in the dim light. The paper looked like it had been through a lot. The edges looked burned, and it seemed like someone spilled something on it, which she guessed was water.


Y/n jolts when she starts to hear footsteps, almost making her drop the paper luckily only creasing it.

She starts to panic and fumble around, in the panic she shoves the paper and book under her pillow. As she does this the door makes its signature click, opening.

She tries to act relaxed as a fishman peeks in, they stand there for a bit making sure she is still there then leaves.

She lets out a sigh of relief, relaxing a little. A wave of exhaustion then hits her, making her eyes droop.

Maybe she should call it a night...?


That's what I'll do...

She thinks tiredly, taking the book out from under her pillow and pushing it far under the bed so it was hidden.

She then checks the blinds and sees that there closed, she must've closed them earlier-

With a yawn she lays down on top of the blankets curling up, almost forgetting about her predicament for a moment.

But then it teases her in the back of her mind reminding her.


She groans, turning over, putting the pillow above her head.

'Why meeeeee...'


Y/n eventually falls asleep, but woke up multiple times through the night though. Nightmare's of her island haunting her.

But whenever she would wake up she couldn't remember what she dreamed about.

Adventually morning came and y/n woke to the sun again. With a tired groan she rolls over, putting the single pillow over her head.

"Stupid sun...." Y/n grumbles.

She rolls over onto her back blinking tiredly, half of the pillow laying on her face.

Y/n notices a shadow at the corner of the room.

Y/n turns their head slowly to see what it was but as they do their eyes widen slowly. When they realize they let out a shriek, falling off the bed with a thud.


"What are you doing here?" Y/n grumbles from the floor after they compose themselves. It was the fishman not from yesterday but the day before that.

After a quiet moment of silence the tall figure decides to speak, their muscular arms crossed across their chest.

"That is none of your business but, I was waiting for you to wake up to take you down to bathe and get a change of clothes." Their nose crinkles in disgust as they look down at me.

"You don't have to look so disgusted."

"Sorry, I can't help it when it involves a filthy human." The fishman simply states.

She doesn't respond and just gets up dusting herself off shooting him a glare. She then remembers the book worrying that they'll take it away from her, she quickly glances to the floor and sees it was not visible thankfully.

When she looks back at him she notices his eyebrow raised a little bit but doesn't say anything.

"Let's get going, you're wasting my precious time." He mutters and goes to the door, opening it and walking out.

She tries to weigh her options but then decides to follow him out wanting to get all the days filth off.


We walked down a couple of flights of stairs, walked a bit but then he stopped in front of a door that I recognized from last time. He opens it, standing to the side waiting for her to step inside.

As she does he closes the door behind her and walks over to the same closet, opening it.

The room was the same as last time, nothing really changed but she did notice a sorta new assortment of clothes in the closet but couldn't tell because it was blocked by his big frame.

After a moment he turned back around holding nicely folded clothes.

He strides over to me and puts them in my arms.

"You can change into these, don't dilly dally." And with that he turned to leave going out the door, leaving her standing there in mild surprise.

She tries to think of what to do and decides to walk through the archway to the bathing area, and sees there's already a towel placed out for her with a scrub and some soap.

When she gets safely behind the Japanese folding doors she starts to undress, discarding the fallen clothes.

After she fully undresses she grabs the scrub and soup, dipping it a little in the water to wet it, and runs it over her body scrubbing all the old dirty off.

When she finishes, she lifts herself up into the warm bath.


A bit of time goes by and she eventually finishes, getting out of the bath, grabbing the towel that hung nearby and drying off.

She grabs the folded clothes and starts to get dressed when she's dry.

After she finishes she walks out from behind the folded doors but is stopped when she runs face first into what felt like a wall.

Y/n stumbles back wondering what she ran into not remembering a wall being their previously-

Authors Note:

New chapter!! :D Yippee!!

(I'm so anxious because I copy and paste from Google docs but sometimes I forget to check if everything came through how it was supposed to, which includes font or tilts etc- so I'm so nervous.)

Hope y'all have a good rest of your day/week!!

Word Count: 1012

Stupid Human- (Arlong x Reader) *On Break*Where stories live. Discover now