Chapter 3

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(At the end in the last chapter I just realized I didn't give any explanation- that was like this secret message thing I decided to do for fun.)

???'s Pov:

I was sitting on the cold floor in the cell when I noticed a bit of light come in.

I look over and see someone standing in the doorway.

They approached the bars, opening the cell with a key.

They walk up to me, towering over me. I try to move away from them but they swiftly grab me by my wrists, yanking me up to stand.

I yelp from the sudden pull almost falling but quickly steady myself. I glare at the fishman.

It was the one carrying me yesterday I think.

He glares back at me. Before turning around still holding my wrists.

The fishman pulled me out of the cell and to the door that was still open.


I saw the throne-like chair from yesterday but there was no one sitting in it presently.

I look around but still don't see the fish man from yesterday. But just as I started to let my guard down something launched out of the water to the side of me. I yelp in surprise, stumbling back, almost falling over.

I hear someone chuckle in front of me. I glance up and glare at the fishman that leapt out the water scaring me.

He grinned down at me with his sharp teeth.

'Holy cow he's tall-' I think to myself but then realize that they're all really tall. I internally shake my head. 'Stay focused, your getting off topic-'

After a few moments he shakes himself off. Some of the water lands on me. I groan wincing, making sure none of the water gets in my eyes. He chuckles again noticing this.

He turns around and walks over to his throne sitting.

After he sits, there is a moment of silence but then he speaks, asking me the same question from yesterday.

"What is your name?" But before I could do anything he added firmly, "I will not take silence as an answer."

I stood there quietly for a moment but then sighs defeated. "Y/n" I mumble.

"What was that?" He asks.

"Y/n.." I say it again but a little louder.

"I can't hear you." He says smirking.

"My name is Y/n." I grumble, begrudgingly.

His smile widens. "Well, Y/n I heard that you could be of use to me and my crew."

"How so..?" I ask, narrowing my eyes looking at him skeptically.

"I heard you're good at T/N (And ST/N)."

My eyes widened slightly. I curse myself if only I was aware of my surrounding-

He seemed to have noticed my reaction and that only encouraged him more, proving his point.

"Let's get you in some new clothes." The fishman says suddenly. Surprising me.


"I said let's get you some new clothes. Do I have to repeat myself?"

I shake my head, I wonder what's wrong with the clothes I have on presently.

I look down, I see that they were a bit dirty with a bit of grim and blood on them. 'When did I-?'

Stupid Human- (Arlong x Reader) *On Break*Where stories live. Discover now