Chapter 7

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(Changed POV layout)

The morning came and you were still exhausted. It didn't help that you were hungry either.

You turn your head tiredly to the desk and see that the plate of food from yesterday was gone.

You roll over onto your side facing away from the desk with a groan.

You laid their for several minutes before reluctantly getting up and reaching under the bed.

You try to feel for the book but can't find it.

You start to panic.

'No, no, no!! Where is it?!'

In the middle of your search you accidentally fall off the bed.


When you come back to your senses you lean down and look under the bed to see if you could see it anywhere.

Their was still no sign of it.

Suddenly a yellow speckle flickers at the corner of your vision.

You turn to it and see it was the book on the very far end of the bed.

You let out a breath of relief, pulling the book out of its hiding spot.

You get off the floor and sit back on the bed.

You flip back to where you left off, finding the page.

The first two chapters were pretty intriguing, one spoke about the sea, it's inhabitants and history. And the other spoke about an island in the sky full of treasure, interesting history and a gleaming golden bell.

You were certainly on chapter three 'Sour Pear' which you though was a weird title but didn't pay much mind to it.

When you finished reading you rubbed your eyes slightly. You had been ingroused in the story about a magic single pear that hung for a lush tree on a hill.

The pear in the story was said to grant excellent abbilties to the user. It was almost like a devil fruit but just not perminate.

This chapter was only a small handful of pages long. Containing short sparks of text and an image at the end that looked slightly washed out and almost a painting.

You brushed your hand gently over the image not wanting to rip or damage the fragile but sturdy paper in any way.

You continued to read until the braided fishman came to get you for your daily bath.

You had slightly argued with him saying that you had bathed just yesterday.

You didn't want to accidentally run into the tall sawfish again or should I say perpously since it looked like he planned the encounter.

The braided fishman did not budge though and INSISTED that you must bath and keep tidy.

You let out a sigh and get up.

'Is he a clean freak or something...?'

You did your daily rountied bath and luckily there was no sign of Arlong.

But just as he you were settling down after being only a few minutes in your room someone suddenly burst in after unlocking the door.

You turn your head startled to see a octopus fishman standing in the middle of the room, looking at the door perplexed.

"Wow that thing is delicate-" His voice sounded a bit funny but silly to you.

You open your mouth to speak but then close it frozen trying to figure out what to do.

Stupid Human- (Arlong x Reader) *On Break*Where stories live. Discover now