Chapter 2

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(E/C) = Eye Color

(H/C) = Hair Color

(T/N) = Talent Name

(ST/N) = Second Talent Name (You don't have to do a second talent if you don't want to)

Also it is now in third-person for a bit 😀👍 (Testing it out)

Arlong's Pov:

Arlong noticed the human had long (H/C) hair. He couldn't see much else because they were struggling. But Kuroobi held them tightly. He faced them observing the human. They stood in a slight row, Kuroobi in the center. Chew on the right, and Hatchan on the left.

"So this is the human?" Arlong asks.

"Yes. She's also a swinger to-. Chu" Chew states with a slight chuckle.

"She punched me in the face-." Hatchan complains, rubbing the side of his face.

"Imagine the person holding her." Kuroobi grumbles.

"Let go of me!!" She shouts.

"Quiet down, and stop struggling." Kuroobi growls.

She growls in response. Kuroobi tightens his grip around her. Which makes her wince, and stop struggling for a moment.

Arlong continues to observe her.

"How can she be useful?" He asks.

Hatchan pips up. "She can be very useful! She seems to be very good at T/N!! (And if you want he can also mention ST/N)."

Arlong looks over at Chew and Kuroobi. "Is this true?"

Chew nods, "Yes, when we entered her house she didn't seem to notice the chaos and destruction going on in her village she was busy doing (Insert Activity That Involves The Talent). I observed her for a bit and she seemed very talented in what she was doing. Chu."

"Hmmm, interesting..."

Arlong gets up from my seat/throne. He approaches them, and stands in front of them/the human. He bends down to be a bit more eye level. She glares at him.

"What is your name?" He asks. He notices she has E/C eyes. She doesn't respond, ignoring me.

"I asked, 'What is your name?'" Arlong asks in a more commanding tone. Kuroobi squeezes them, she winces in pain.

She still doesn't respond. Arlong smiles slightly showing his sharp teeth, standing up to his full height. He turns, and goes back to his throne sitting.

"Take them to the cellar." He says simply waving a hand. They nod and head inside but Hatchen stays outside.

"Do you think they can be of any use to us?" Hatchan asks.

"Maybe.." Arlong replies, staring into the pool of water resting his head on his hand.



???'s Pov:

I sit in the cell with my knees up to my chest. I was a bit scraped up but I was fine nonetheless. My heart ached though... My village was destroyed, everyone I knew and loved is now dead- because of some stupid fish-men.. At that thought I feel tears prick at the ends of my eyes.

They didn't even really like me though-.. I was an outcast but that doesnt mean I didn't care about any of them, I grew up there.

The cell I was in was cold and dry. I shivered. 'At least it's not wet-..'. I try to get comfortable against the wall but it was hard. I tried to move my sore wrists but they were tied by a rope, so were my ankles.

'Why did this have to happen to me?..'

""2i0R0R  0U0k0O0w  0I1p  1a1s1p  1a0z  0F0w1j0w......""


Authors Note:

Wow!! Another chapter complete!! Sorry it's short again though-

Even though it was short I hope y'all liked this chapter!!

May edit this chapter + others in the future.

I hope you all have a good rest of your day/evening/night!!!

Word Count: 563

Stupid Human- (Arlong x Reader) *On Break*Where stories live. Discover now