JLxRWBY arc: Magic universe

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The chapter show us our Blond protagonist and Ren . Jaune standing infront of the cover with gunblade, releasing a burst of light. Ren is behind Jaune back as he point Grimm with StormFlower.

The screen show us Jaune and izuku in ozpin office. They explain universe concept for two newbie

 They explain universe concept for two newbie

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Jaune: Alright, so in this universe. You guy use magic and aura is source of magical energy that exist inside your body. Grimm still exist in this universe too

Ruby(Flower): yeah pretty much.

Jaune: So what happen to your Jaune? Still alive and kicking?

Izuku: You make it sound like if he happen to be dead already

Ruby: That's.....a she

Izuku: I just mistook someone gender don't I?-deadpan-

Jaune: Yup you just did

Ruby: her name is Joan and she pretty much...dead

Jaune:....yeah....I'm about to eat my word back.

Ozpin come out the elevator with headmistress, glynda Goodwitch. But some reason she glare at Jaune in frustration.

Yang (Branwen):Grand sorcerer ozpin! We have done our mission and we have two new guest, one from team Their universe while the other, we don't know much.

Ozpin: it's that all about that new guest-mean izuku-

Yang: Yes...

Ozpin: then you can leave now, Miss Branwen with team 8

Yang(Branwen)nod her head and leave the office with other

Ozpin:would you mind introduce yourself.

Izuku: Izuku Denjiro

Ozpin: Anything else mr.Denjiro

Izuku: I have a electrokinesis

Ozpin: can you be more specific

Izuku: I have a power manipulate,absorb,generate electric

Ozpin: can you absorb any Type of electric like magic

Izuku: as long it is a electric type then I can

Ozpin: What about you mr.Arc

Jaune:-tilt his head-how did you know my last name?

Ozpin: Your friend told me about you and what you did on your remnant.

Jaune: did about what?

Ozpin:killing innocent live...-deep tone-

Jaune:-blink in confuse-what?

Ozpin: you hear what I said. Killing innocent live.

Jaune: what make you think I kill people?

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