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Izuku: So who are you guy?

Overpower Izuku:We are you but with OP magic and power.

Jaune: you telling me that I have a bunch of girl after getting got replace by some guy call alister?

Overpower Jaune: Yup.

Jaune:....yeah~ I find it to be stupid. I mean sure, everyone hate about the fact they got replace by someone but with a bunch of girl? Yeah no.

Issei: Rias? Ingvild? Who the fuck are they?

Arcadia issei: You don't know...them?

Issei: Know who? Some dumbass? Listen me or emperor thingy. I only love person! Got it.

Arcadia issei:and who will that be?-tease-

Issei: She is the gentle storm-comment-

Aether:-enter the studio- alright we everyone. You guy can go back to your studio.

Acardia issei: Sayonara-jump up just to went inside the train-

Rail direction moving up as the train rush away. A portal open behind OP Jaune and izuku.

OP Jaune: Adious-salute finger wave-

Both of them walk Into the portal. Aether clap his hand together.

Aether: Alright everyone, our Q&A will be start in few minute

Jaune push the sofa. Issei take a chair and sit on it. Izuku and Jaune sit on sofa. Aether Form a ice throne.

Jaune: Let start our Q&A!


Issei: before question, you have limit to ask us is 6 so ask us carefully

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