You guy miss a lot of bullshit

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The screen show issei and other are there at the starsnatch cliff and watching venti playing holy lyre.

Issei for reason feel something like a mage. Other were looking around for Stormterror then they earthquacke and a strong wind blown.

Issei:-dust got into his eye-AH!MY EYE. DUST GOT ME IN MY EYE-rubbing his eye- Shit! It getting more worse.

Dvalin floating infront of them. Venti saw something in the eye.

Dvalin: You have come. What has been done be undone

Venti:If so, then why do I see sadness i your eye? Sadness that speak for your yearning of this song.

But for other, they only hear growling expect. Issei's eye recover and notice a small floating ice spike, coming right at venti's holy lyre.

Jean: they are....communicating...huh?

Issei:Venti walk out!

Under his feet. You can see the heat that burn the grass. In a blink, issei disappear as after that then he push venti aside. He leave a flame trait behind.

Venti:-eye wide- No issei!

Issei look at venti for a moment. That bard remind him of someone who he use to know. Issei look down. There is a hole on his chest as let out a smile of mocking.

Issei: can't say...they are using...deja vu move.-fall on the floor-

Blood coming out of his body. Issei slowly closing his eye, he saw venti try saying his name. His sight began to becoming blur, he saw venti as Wendy. Maybe he somewhere like paradise and infernos or this might be a dream

Issei: Wen..dy?-fully close his eye-

Venti: Issei! Wake up. Wake up you idiot! Don't die like that!-holding issei's head-

Issei didn't respond.



Ice abyss mage: The time has come for the dragon to it true master...-laugh like a maniac- while you bewail your pathetic selves and watch the tremble with fear.

Dvalin fly away with abyss mage, leaving Venti hugging issei's body as his/her eye are falling tear for him. The other rush toward them

Jean: Barbat-no venti, we should bring issei bac-

Aether: Wait you knew about venti identity?!-surprise-

Paimon:-facepalm- How are we so stupid right now.

Diluc:-go check the lyre- the holy lyre is still in good condition. Can you still play it?

Venti slowly put issei's body down as he look at Diluc.

Venti: I can still play it

Diluc: Good.

Aether: are we seriously gonna ignore the fact that venti's friend is in freaking danger!

Paimon: so is issei too!

Diluc: we can take issei to heal in cathedral and we should make that abyss mage pay first! If we don't fight the evil at it's source, then we can't save Davlin at all.

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