JLxRWBY arc: introduce you to double beater!

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Jaune and izuku walk into battle area. Jaune drinking coffee energy and izuku walk with grumpy style

 Jaune drinking coffee energy and izuku walk with grumpy style

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Yang,Ruby,Weiss,Blake,Pyrrha waiting for them arrive.

Yang:-smirk and clash her fist together-I thought you were scare to face us, Faker!

Jaune: Not really. I'm just tired of your bullcrap anyway.

Weiss: Oh yeah! Then we will end your life here criminal scum!

Izuku raise his eyebrow. Jaune rubbing his eye and sigh.

Jaune:-look at them- if I am a criminal scum then you four are Killer.

Ruby: that a lie! We save people like hero alway do!

Jaune:-eye squint-hero?seriouly?

Jaune: when the fuck did you guy even consider yourself as hero even everyone didn't consider you guy are one?

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Jaune: when the fuck did you guy even consider yourself as hero even everyone didn't consider you guy are one?

Weiss: Do you know who you asking us! Faker!

Jaune: I know what you guy really are. A delusional girl-mean Ruby- a spoiler rich and racist girl-mean Weiss- a former terrorist menber-mean Blake- I feel like forgot to give that blondie a nickname wait what was your crime again? Oh right! Assault, vandalism,attempts Four murder, possible manslaughter, coercion.

Izuku: Ohhh~-cover his mouth- I think who is the true criminal.

Yang:-Rush toward Jaune-SHUT UP, LOSER!-yell-

When Yang was about to land her fist on Jaune skull but her fist was right infront of Jaune face. Yang is now "stop" by Jaune ability. He look at blondie with a sigh then Jaune bitch slap her to aside. Sending her out of the field and cracked into the wall

 Sending her out of the field and cracked into the wall

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