Wendy?...let me sleep more 5 mintue...

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The screen start with issei sleeping on Wendy's thicc.

Wendy:-giggle- you are still the same sleepyhead, issei.-touch issei's face-

They are currently at bench right now. Issei slowly wake up, the first thing he see is...Wendy.

Issei:Wendy? Am I in paradise?

Wendy:-giggling- no silly. You're still alive. It just that, you are currently in Mondstadt.

Issei:... I miss you

Wendy: Aww I miss you too~.

Issei:-a warm smile form on the face- do you mind if I...

Wendy: sleep for more 5 mintue, of course!-smile-

Wendy: sleep for more 5 mintue, of course!-smile-

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Issei:< you are cute when you smile>-smile-

He slowly close his eye. This familar warm, maybe they are back together for now but for another time.

Meanwhile aether and the other

Aether: Aww look at them!-whisper- aren't they a best match?!

Paimon : it kinda shock you know now? Venti is actually a girl and issei is recarnation of a dragon lord.

Dvalin: My friend Barbatos! And lord bahamut are best match! Wahoo!

Next day,outside mondstadt. Jaune threw a staight punch to Izuku's face.

Izuku's reaction speed was quick enough to title that punch.

The vigilante threw a jab as the counterattack. Jaune receive the punch into the face.

Then his body glow as aura healing that injure. Jaune quickly back away as he make a distant between them.

Jaune take a fighting stance. Izuku do the same thing. They look at each other.

Jaune: ready for round 2?

Izuku: I'm ready when you said it.

Jaune: get ready!

Izuku take a deep breath before let it out.

Jaune: Fight!

They charge at each other. Izuku make a leap strike as he preforming 760 kick. When Izuku's kick about to contact Jaune's face.

Jaune make an counterattack by preforming manji kick. Both physical attack contact each other as strong wind is create to blow leaf away.

Both of them look at each other as they smirk. Until they hear

Samuel Benjamin/Jaune arc.

Jaune and izuku:Huh?

Soccer Fire ball!

A fire ball taking form of soccer ball, flying toward them. It create impact, blowing the duo away by explosion

They roll on surface. Thank to Izuku's duration, he can still survive after receive a rocket. Jaune's cover in his own aura to heal the small injure

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