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Jaune what is your opinion about your family

Jaune: if I being honest here. My opinion about them is them doesn't care about me getting bully at school since like middle school. And they neglect they disown their own son for what? Honor? Clan will? Yeah no I won't have any on opinion on them because they're dead to me

Jaune and izuku if you ever get the chance to go back to your home world would you go back and if so what would be the first thing you would do?

Izuku: great question there. I would beat some crap out of female hero.

Jaune: Oh you know. I would go back to work as mercenary to kill Grimm and protect the one who hire me.

Jaune and izuku what was the feeling/feeling when they used their power?

Jaune: When I use my semblance? I can feel the distortion in time.

Izuku: You could say. I feel shock when I use mine

Izuku if you saw your family again what would you say to them?

Izuku:.......I think I would say "hey guy, i miss you guy a lot when you not gone"......

Jaune: Q&A is enough for today. We would see you in next Q&A Bye!

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