Chapter 28

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"Alright sweetie, have you got everything packed?" I ask, looking down at the little girl.

She nods her head but doesn't say a word, her face grim. I look at her for a moment and take a seat on the bed and pull her so she is standing in front of me.

I look her deep in her Georgian blues, "Baby I know you're scared and you have every right to be. There are bad people coming to try and hurt us and that's why we have to pack up all of our things and hide for awhile. But don't worry Baby girl, we are going to stop them and then everything will go back to normal. Now Belle I need to to be brave for me. You need to do everything Grandpa and Aunty Beth tells you to do, okay?"

She nods her head but still doesn't say anything, "What's wrong Belle?"

She looks down at her shoes, "Are you and Daddy going to die like Uncle Merle?"

My heart aches for a moment as I think of my dead brother, but I shake it off and look in her eyes and decide not to lie to her, "Baby I hope that we don't, but if we do? I need you to take care of your Grandpa, your Aunty Maggie, your Aunty Beth, your Uncle Glenn and everybody else. You need to be strong and remember that your Daddy and I love you more than anything in this world. You're our baby girl and nothing is going to change that. Do you understand?"

She nods her head and I hold my arms open. She walks forward and wraps my arms around my neck, holding onto me tightly. I bury my face in her shoulder and place a kiss there. I pull back and fix up her beanie, "Alright baby, it's time to go."

I stand up and she grabs her small backpack while I grab mine and my bat. We walk out of our cell and down the stairs. Everyone walks in and out of the cell block, taking things out to the cars. I reach one of the cars and place my bat and backpack in the trunk. I turn to Belle and help her take her's off, placing it beside mine in the trunk.

I look over towards Daryl who is talking with Carol. She helps him up and she smiles at him. He bends over and grabs his stuff, making his way towards the car. He places his stuff in the trunk before kneeling down in front of Belle, "You remember everything I taught you?" He asks.

She nods her head and he pulls her in for a hug, squeezing her tightly. I smile at the two of them, my heart warming at the sight.

"I love you Daddy." She whispers.

"I love you too." He murmurs back.

She pulls back and places a kiss on his lips before turning to me, "Come on baby, I'll put you in the car."

I hold my hand out and she takes it. I walk her around to the car and open the door for her, allowing her to climb in. Judith is already buckled into the car seat in the middle. I buckle Belle into the car and look at her face, moving the hair out of her eyes. I lean forward and she gives me a quick kiss.

"I love you Baby girl." I whisper.

"I love you too Mommy."

I feel tears pool in my eyes as I shut the door. Hershel walks towards me, "Be safe, I don't want anything happening to you."

"I promise. Take care of my girl."

"Always." He smiles.

I quickly hug him before moving away, allowing him to get into the car. Beth walks to the driver's side and I hug her tightly before stepping back. She climbs into the car with Carl close behind and starts it up. Tears brim in my eyes and I feel someone stand beside me, taking my hand in their own. I lean my head on his shoulder as they drive away and he places a kiss in my hair.

"They'll be fine." He says.

I nod my head and wipe my eyes, "I know, I just can't help but worry."

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