Chapter 36

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The gunfire rains down from both sides and I duck down behind Hershel as the shots fly near me. My breathing is shallow and my heart pounds in my chest as the adrenaline kicks in.

"Hayley!" I hear Michonne cry out.

I look up and see her kneeling down by a car and I roll my way forward towards her. I give a glance back a Hershel and repress my sobs before we rush forward into the car maze. We reach the end and she begins to cut herself free on one of the cars. Someone runs by us and I stick my foot, knocking them to the ground. I kick them in the throat while Michonne rushes forward and searches him for weapons. She produces a knife and cuts herself free before turning to me and doing the same.

I grab the gun from the guy and we rush around the cars when I hear the tank go forward, the cars not too far behind. Explosions begin to sound over the gunfire and I see Michonne dash off the side. I follow her and I freeze beside her when I look down. Hershel's body lays there, with his head separated from his body. I let out a cry and Michonne pulls me away from him.

"Come one, we have to get to the others." She says, passing me the knife.

I push away my tears and follow her, tucking the knife into my belt. We rush forward into the field and I pull my gun forward and begin to fire behind them. People begin to fall to the ground as I shoot them and I run forward towards the prison. My heart pounds in my chest as I go to look for Belle and Daryl, knowing they are my only priority.

People begin firing at me and I drop to the ground, the bullets flying above me. I aim my gun and begin shooting at the people again but I miss, them being too far away. I hear the groans and snarls behind me and I turn around to see walkers making their way towards me. I get up from the ground and make a run towards the prison, the gunfire away from the field now. As I run a group of walkers cut me off and I scream out in frustration.

I look around and make my way towards the over turned fences, into the woods surrounding the prison. I hear snarling and growls behind me, reminding of when the farm was over run. I push away the thought and focus on the adrenaline running through my veins.

Eventually the snarls and growls stop and I realise I'm alone and lost in the woods. I look around but it's dark, barely any light filtering through the trees and I begin to panic slightly. I look at the trees and see one that I can camp in for the night, it being too dark to continue fumbling around the woods. I sling my gun over my neck and climb the tree, though I feel weak as I do. Soon enough, I reach a branch high enough that no walker can grab me. The branch is wide, enough for me to not fall off easily during the night. I lean back against the trunk and close my eyes, exhaustion setting in after the events of the week.

The woods are loud, with sounds of cicadas and night time animals, the occasional walker heard from a distance. Hundreds of images run through my head, the tank, Hershel, the walkers, the prison being destroyed. I think of Belle and Daryl and I wonder where they are, are they alive?

I shake the thought off straight away, knowing that they are. She'll be with Daryl and she'll be okay. But something in my heart feels wrong and I can't push it away. Soon enough all the pushed away feelings of grief and sadness eclipse the adrenaline and I let out a sob. Hershel, a man I had considered my father was now dead. He died right in front of me and there was nothing I could do to save him. Images of the sword hitting his neck, him collapsing to the ground in front of me, his beheaded body fill my mind.

I let out silent sobs, knowing that if I cry out loud walkers will hear me. I place my hands on my rounded stomach, still crying all the while. I open my eyes and look at my belly, knowing that I at least have my boy with me.

"It's okay baby, Mommy's here. Mommy won't let anything happen to you." I whisper, my voice thick.

"Don't you worry. Daddy and Belle are okay, everyone's okay. We're gonna find them and everything will be okay." I whisper, more for my benefit than anything.

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