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He couldn't believe what was happening. One moment he was standing, and the next, he was stabbed by his wife - the woman whom he had loved with all his heart and soul. It felt like a betrayal of everything he held dear.

"Why?" The word escaped his lips in a desperate plea, filled with disbelief and raw pain.

"Tang San, oh Tang San," Xiao Wu's voice was ice-cold, devoid of any compassion. "You believed when I said I loved you. It was all a cruel ploy to deceive you, and you fell for it."

Tang San's world shattered in an instant. "Why? I loved you with every fiber of my being. I trusted you with my heart and soul. Why?" His voice cracked with anguish, his heart torn apart by the betrayal of the one he held closest to his heart.

"You are a fool to love me," Xiao Wu's laughter was a bitter symphony of deception and malice. "You didn't even know about your soulmate, did you? No one bothered to tell you that you had a soulmate."

"Soulmate?" Tang San's head throbbed with confusion and pain, each word feeling like a dagger to his wounded heart.

"Yes, you fool. A soulmate - you had one, a very powerful one. But we destroyed her," Xiao Wu's words cut through him like a blade. "Oh right, me along with my mother, Bibi Dong."

Tang San's heart clenched at the mention of his soulmate, the realization hitting him like a ton of bricks. "Bibi Dong is your mother. You orchestrated everything. And when you sacrificed yourself, was it all just a twisted act?" His voice trembled with a mixture of rage and sorrow, his world crumbling around him.

"You may be clever, San ge, but you're still an idiot who let his other half die," Xiao Wu's voice dripped with contempt as she spoke, her words laced with bitterness and resentment. "Yes, from your birth to your death, your life was planned, and I held the strings. And now, I will kill you for my mother."

As Xiao Wu moved to strike, white and black chains materialized before her, wrapping tightly around her struggling form. A white light descended, revealing a veiled woman and a shadowy figure holding something in his palms - the Temporal Custodian and the Infernal Soulkeeper, revered figures in the realm.

San recognized them immediately, his heart heavy with both awe and despair. The Temporal Custodian, managing the threads of fate and time, smiled reassuringly at him. "Fear not, my child. We have come to offer you and your mate a gift." Her gaze shifted to the white soul cradled in the Infernal Soulkeeper's hand.

Xiao Wu thrashed against the chains, her eyes blazing with fury. "No one can save him from me! I will kill him!" But her threats fell on deaf ears as the Temporal Custodian and the Infernal Soulkeeper remained unmoved.

Tang San's heart twisted with anguish at the revelation of Xiao Wu's betrayal. All the pain, the suffering, the sacrifices they had endured together - it was all for naught in her eyes. He felt as though his world had crumbled around him, leaving nothing but emptiness and despair.

The Temporal Custodian observed San's broken state with a pang of pity. Despite his pain, she knew of his unwavering dedication to justice, his valiant struggles in the face of adversity. It was a cruel twist of fate that had brought him to this moment of betrayal and heartache.

"Child, it is your time to choose, Your fate Born again or remain here" the Temporal Custodian's voice echoed softly, her hand outstretched for San to grasp. The Infernal Soulkeeper watched with a sense of satisfaction, knowing that San deserved this chance.

San's eyes widened at her words, his heart racing with hope and uncertainty. He reached out and clasped her hand tightly, his breath catching in his throat. "Born again... you mean?"

The Temporal Custodian smiled gently at him, her eyes shimmering with compassion as she raised her hand, creating a shimmering portal in the space before them. "Yes, child. To see her, to be with her. She has waited for you for so long. I can turn back time for the sake of love, to correct your past mistakes. Will you take this chance to go back in time?"

"We entrust the fate of the Soul Land to you once again," she continued, her voice trembling with emotion. "We hope for you to become the Sea God once more. We will wait for your return with her." As she spoke, a multitude of gods appeared before him, bowing in farewell.

The Infernal Soulkeeper slowly opened his arms, and San's breath hitched as the soul transformed into a beautiful woman, the one he had lost. He felt a tug in his heart as her soul began to move towards the portal.

"You should go before she enters the portal," the Infernal Soulkeeper advised him, prompting San to nod in understanding. With one last glance at Xiao Wu, his heart heavy with conflicting emotions, he began to move.

San started with a jog, then broke into a run, his determination pushing him forward. Finally, he flew towards the portal, his spirit bones igniting with power. Despite the pain of his wings being torn from his body due to the speed, he pressed on, driven by love and longing.

Reaching the portal, he beheld her beautiful face, holding it gently as if she were the most precious jewel in the universe. Fearful that she would vanish before his eyes, he kissed her lips, sealing his promise to keep her safe. As her soul began to fade towards the portal, San's entire being glowed with an ethereal light, his fingers reaching out to touch hers.

In a cascade of stardust, she disappeared into the portal

 San closed his eyes and stepped into the portal, his heart heavy with determination and love

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San closed his eyes and stepped into the portal, his heart heavy with determination and love. The Temporal Custodian and the Infernal Soulkeeper watched in silence, their hearts filled with both relief and apprehension as they witnessed Xiao Wu's soul disintegrate into stardust before disappearing into the portal, which closed behind San.

"You know their journey ahead will not be easy," the Infernal Soulkeeper remarked, his voice heavy with concern.

The Temporal Custodian nodded, her gaze fixed on the spot where the portal had been. "Indeed. But their love has already shaped them into who they are. With each other, they will overcome any obstacle. However, if anything were to happen to her..." She trailed off, her expression grave. "He will stop at nothing to protect her, even if it means risking everything."

Meanwhile, in the depths of the Star Dou Forest, a place untouched by man and inhabited only by the most ancient and powerful soul beasts, a 200,000-year-old Shenlong dragon, measuring 4500 meters in length, stirred from its slumber. As it opened its eyes, it sensed the birth of its mate and let out a resounding roar that echoed through the forest, a testament to the unbreakable bond between soulmates.


Author note

hello it just a story that i thought. in this story i will importance to all the Sherk 7 members if my English troubled you i am sorry , it is my second language .

Pics are from pintrest

that's it for now bye

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