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Later San and Xiaogang are walking outside the academy, with Xiaogang complementing San for reaching level 30, before lecturing him about absorbing a Ring older than his tolerance level, telling him that he is not allowed to die

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Later San and Xiaogang are walking outside the academy, with Xiaogang complementing San for reaching level 30, before lecturing him about absorbing a Ring older than his tolerance level, telling him that he is not allowed to die. San ruefully admits he was wrong and Xiaogang states that San's greatest weakness and strength is that he puts his feelings even before his own life.

 Xiaogang states that he mainly needs to teach San to remain calm in any situation, especially one with others in danger, so that he can stay alive to help them. He then asks San to show him the results of the Ring, which have made the Blue Silver Grass Vines thinner, more sturdy, and with corrosive poison. Xiaogang says that the risk paid out, but to never do that again because he doesn't want San to die, and San agrees. 

Xiaogang than asks to see the Third Ring attack itself and San launchers a giant Spider web made of Blue silver Grass. San walks through town looking for a smithy to help him create Hidden Weapons so he can focus on making other ones. He finds the biggest one in town and meets with the head of it, handing him the schematics for one of the Hidden Weapons.

. The Smith is surprised and grants San his time when San asks for a little of it. The Smith takes San to his office and San offers 100 gold pieces for 20 of the weapons. The Smith says that is fine but he wants one more guarantee and asks for San's Spirit Master Badge (which is kind of like a Driver's License really, has all your info) and San reluctantly hands it over.

The Smith is surprised when San reveals that he has both a Blue Silver Grass Soul and 3 Rings, making him a Spirit Elder so young, but they are interrupted by the Smith's sons barging in and asking if they do have a big job now. The sons are actually and , the two Hammer brothers that San and Wu had faced in the Arena that San had saved from Wu's attack.

They all recognize each other, and the Smith (their father ) apologizes for being suspicious and accepts the job. San is back on the cliff watching the sun set and Arielle comes over and asks him what he is thinking. They get talking about San's Soul Bone and San says Xiaogang said it's a weird one, and that Soul Bones are rare; they sometimes appear from a Spirit Beast after it is killed under certain circumstances (which no one knows). 

"The one on my back is a extremely perfect soul bone", San said Arielle understanding what he was talking about

"Ge I will protect you and the spirit bone", San looks at her and chuckles saying that he will the one to protect her so he will protect himself too. San takes her hand and kisses her knuckles lovingly staring her eyes with pure love.

Arielle blushes lightly, San pulled her by her hand their chest were touching, "always together", San asked "Always together" Arielle said in a breathe 

Their lips touched feeling the euphoric sensation , but are interrupted by their friends shouts further away calling for them. Arielle pulled away first and pressed her head into his chest not wanting to see those dark blue  eyes San chuckled at that and grabbed her chin making her look up at him, San smiled lovingly at her and placed a kiss on her forehead lovingly

They both held each other hands, they go meet up with Oscar and Rongrong. Oscar and Rongrong after seeing their hands Giggled and high fived each other. Arielle who watched it felt like a pressure cooker with red color too embarrassed San chuckled at her 

"Zhuqing is going to love this" Rongrong exclaimed holding both her hands in her chin. "Them too?" Arielle felt like fainting. "Angel basically the school was waiting for this news" Oscar replied.

As they went near the academy both Mubai and zhuqing were grinning at them. The teacher were looking at san with proud eyes?. Arielle felt her eyes twitch, but soon embarrassment took over her and she hid her face in zhuqing chest make zhuqing to chuckle and making other laugh except one Xiao wu was fuming  in anger.

"Moonbeam, teacher Zinara wanted to meet you in her quatres".  Everyone was shocked even San as Zhuqing was always known for her cold structure her keeping a nick name was shocking. Arielle nodded her head not minding her nickname

Arielle went to Zinara's private Quatres, where Zinara was seated in her table focused on something, upon seeing Arielle she smiled and monitored her to sit on the chair.

"I heard you went through a lot of things in the spirit forest, I did a lot of reseach and study with Xiaogang and we concluded that Ice spirit beast types will be sutitable for you, I can sense you have more than 1 marital spirit right?"

Arielle was shocked, but nodded her head before Zinara could ask how many, Arielle raised her finger as 3. Zinara was shocked there was literally no one in this world to have 3 martial spirits, she calmed her self and asked which are the areas she has her martial spirit as. Arielle explained how she has agility, attack and support and explained everything (if you need details you can see the character chapter).

"Does anybody know". Arielle Shaked her head as no. "Do you wish to tell everybody"

Arielle looked at her and said yes, "I will tell them within a few days with another secret". Zinara didn't persist on the question. "So as far as I and Xiaogang know that to increase your 3rd spirit's ability you need to meditate under moon, today is  full moon it will be good to start "

"your 3rd skill training will be in night and Xioagang training will be in the morning, are you ready?", Zinara asked her. "I am ready" Arielle conformed

"Then meet me at the end of the school at 9 Pm" Zinara said and sent Arielle wondering how strong Arielle is going to be.

At the school they are having a bonfire, with Flender saying to have a little fun before their lives become hell. In middle of the bonfire Arielle leaves which zhuqing watched, frowning she was about to follow but was stopped by Xiaogang, "she is going to start her hell life now itself, her 3rd spirit skill is very strong it will be very helpful in the future  so she has to go through this"

Zhuqing nodded her head in understatement, Zinara took Arielle near the waterfalls and instructed her to sit under the rock where the water with heavy intense hits from above. after a few tries Arielle was able to sit under the cold water and started to meditate under the moon light.

she felt as if all her blood veins are freely circulating in her as she connected herself with the moon. Zinara sat opposite her and watched her so no one disturbs her.


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