In love

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Tang san pov

I saw her hair losely braided with her eyes twinling under the moon was the most beautiful women I have ever seen, I was in a daze . I snapped out of it and took the courage to speak

"Hello" I said , after a few seconds

"Hello" she said , I couldn't stop the smile and gave here one, her voice carrying a melody that harmonized with the tranquility of the night. In this celestial encounter, beneath the celestial radiance, the simple exchange of greetings felt like the beginning of a tale written in stardust and whispered by the night breeze.

"It's late night aren't you going to sleep" i asked curiously

"Oh , I um came to watch the moon" I chuckled , a moon came to see a moon lovely

"I am tang san and you are?" I stretched My hands to her hoping her to shake it

"I am arielle dreamshade, it's a pleasure to meet you", she shook my hands and all I felt was sparks is this how mates felt like.

"The pleasure is mine arielle, so I um hope we could be um you know friends"

Then I heard a giggle oh boy it so beautiful.

Her giggles were a symphony of joy, a delightful cascade of laughter that danced through the air like a playful melody. Each giggle carried a lighthearted charm, a contagious happiness that could brighten even the darkest corners of the room. It was the sound of pure, unbridled mirth-soft, melodious, and filled with the innocence of genuine amusement.

"Aren't we when we shake our hands"
I laughed at that so adorable

"Oh it's late night want me accompany to your dorm" I raised my hand to her so that she could hold it after a second of thinking she took my hand making me smile widely

"Oh it's late night want me accompany to your dorm" I raised my hand to her so that she could hold it  after a second of thinking she took my hand making me smile widely

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"Sure why not" she smiled at me making me melt at that place

As we started to walk, "which dorm are you in" I asked

"Dorm 4" she replied

"are you younger than me or older cause i saw a lot of age category people are in here", she looked at me, " I am 9.5 years old , what us your age"

"I am 10 years old" I told her, she once again looked at me as if someone caught he stealing a candy I found it adorable ,"so you are elder to me I should call you ge right?"

Ge that word from her mouth brought me tears it was the word which Wu used he always wanted an little sister but he also know that she is his mate so he didnt mind it ,"Whatever you want Mei mei" I told her making he smile a bit

"Ge is it then, ge which is your dorm" she swinged our hands up and down

When she called me ge I couldn't help but smile , "dorm 7". Without knowing we came to her dorm I didn't want to let her go I was afraid she will leave me once again

"Good night ge see you tomorrow" she told me ,
"Good night Mei Mei" I kissed her forehead hoping to see her. She was stunned, heat rushed to her and runned to her dorm and locked the door

No one pov

As the moon cast its gentle glow, illuminating the night, a shadow of sadness crossed the features of San. In the quietude of the moment, memories from a past life resurfaced, and the weight of regret settled upon him like a heavy cloak.

The twinkling stars seemed to bear witness as he grappled with the haunting truth - she had once departed from the world because of him. A profound sorrow etched lines on his face, and the flicker of moonlight reflected in his eyes mirrored the turmoil within.

The night, which had been a canvas of potential, now held the echoes of a painful history. In the stillness, his heart whispered silent apologies to the memory of a love lost, leaving San with the bittersweet realization that even beneath the celestial radiance, some wounds could only be healed by the passage of time.

After he reached his dorm , tears fell from his eyes," please god please don't take her away from me please". With that he slept and the next day he went with his master to the forest to collect his 1st spirit ring

 With that he slept and the next day he went with his master to the forest to collect his 1st spirit ring

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Ge - brother

Mei mei- little sis

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