Soul Bone

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The cocoon then breaks apart,He sees Arielle and is relieved that she is there and safe

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The cocoon then breaks apart,He sees Arielle and is relieved that she is there and safe. Arielle smiles a tired smile. 

"You are ok little moon I was so scared" San said Brushing Arielle's cheek, She didnt say anything just was loving the felling of his hand on her face. The moment by Mubai  coughing  and interrupts them to point out that San is shirtless (he had lost his shirt when the Spider legs appeared), Arielle's face turned red and she turned away from him running to rongrong in embarrassment making Rongrong chuckle. 

San steps away with embarrassment from them and the Spider legs come out again, and San asks what they are as if he had no idea. Nobody knows and Mubai asks if San can put them away, which he tries and does with some difficulty. Rongrong then notices the Needles sticking out of the dead Spider and asks about them, but before San can respond they are surrounded by a pink mist and lots of baby Man Faced Spiders, the offspring of the one San killed. 

The others are still weak from all the previous fights and start to worry, but San then brings out and gives everyone a Hidden Weapon, telling them that these helped him kill the Spider. The group then proceed to kill several Spiders with the darts in various ways, before one Spider almost gets Arielle, causing San to rush forward and intercept it, but his Spider legs manifest again, piercing the Spider and tearing it to pieces. 

Arielle looked at San's soul bone it was beautiful. The other Spiders see this and promptly run away. The others comment how useful the Hidden Weapons are, and Rongrong asks if she can buy some off him, stating that as a support type she has no protection ability.

San says he will give her a set when they get back, and when she starts to object to the freebies, he says he will only charge her for the materials if she insists on paying. Oscar comments and San states he'll give him a set too, much to his joy, then says he'll give them all a set. Zhao states that they all have money and should pay him since they look complicated to make and everyone immediately agrees, much to San's reluctance.

Arielle smiled at san, which was returned to her. Then suddenly Arielle' s  smile went off her head was spinning once again with her untreated leg which was bleeding. San quiclky noticed and was about ask what happened, before that Arielle's body felt limp and she was about to fall

"ARIELLE", San shouted he rushed to her and took her fainted body in his arms, "Teacher Zhao what's wrong with her, she was fine a few minutes ago". Then Zhao explained how she was thrown by the Gorilla and went to accompany him in absorbing his spirit ring. Rongrong quickly teared her sleeve and tied her legs. 

"we should head back first we don't know what is still lurking in the forest" Zhao said , San carried Arielle in his arms to the academy, in the mid way Arielle woke up

"Little moon how do you feel now" San asked her "My Leg hurts a bit rather than that everything is ok" Arielle replied which made San sigh in relief and she snuggled into his chest. Using the Mushroom Sausage the group fly out of the forest and return to Shrek. Later that evening Flender and Zhao are talking about the events that happened and they are trying to figure out what the bull's roar was.

Xiaogang joins them saying it was probably the Green Ox Python of The Heavens and Flender introduces him to Zhao, who realizes that he is Grandmaster and San's teacher. Flender asks about the Ox Python and Xiaogang tells him it is the true ruler of the forest, above even the Ape, and that it lives in a lake at the center of the forest.

 A Spirit Master had discovered it when he had gone to the forest center to fight the Ape, and encountered the Ox Python as well when it rose out of the water upon sensing him, speaking to him and telling him to leave. Flender concludes the team got lucky. Xiaogang asks about what Rings everyone has gotten and Zhao tells him about Oscar's, and he's suitably impressed. Flender acts proud saying of course since everyone there is a monster, and that they will become more so with Xiaogang there.

Xiaogang reminds him that he is mainly there for San, and Flender says he hasn't forgotten, but that Xiaogang will have to wait till San is level 40 to go on a Ring hunt with him, surprising Xiaogang that San has reached 30 already, before he comments that San will surpass his father before long. The next day Xiaogang approaches the kids with Flender and Zhao and San runs up to greet him with Arielle and wu

"Master" Arielle rushes to Xiaogang and hugged the older man. Xiaogang smiled at the duo and pated Arielle's head. The others ask San who that is and he says his Master. Flender gets the kids to line up and introduces Xiaogang as the Grandmaster, and Xiaogang states he will be taking over their training and that they will start tomorrow.

Suddenly San tells everyone to move away and doubles over, the Spider legs sprouting on his back again, lashing out wildly. While the others dodge Hongjun doesn't move in time and gets scratched, which causes him to pass out from the poison. Before anything Arielle grabs San's face and he stops moving she assures him it was ok and it made him to relax a bit.

Xiaogang gets Flender to take Hongjun inside and kneels in front of San, telling him to imagine the Soul Bone retracting into his back and walking him through it until he can retract them. Xiaogang then takes San where Hongjun is and tells him to remove the poison from Hongjun's body. 

When San asks how Xiaogang says that the bone is a part of him and he can use it to guide its poison out, and that if he doesn't hurry Hongjun will die. San calls out the Soul bone again and is able to shakily figure out how to get the poison out.

They go outside and Xiaogang tells the others that Hongjun will be fine. After the teachers leave San admits to his friends that he is still having trouble adapting to the Ring, but that he is fine and they should go check on Hongjun. Mubai tells San to tell them when something is wrong next time because they are brothers, which San ruefully agrees to, and the kids besides Wu enter the building.

San then asks Arielle if she knows what an External is. Arielle nods her head and explains her knowledge on spirit bone and the 3 she got from Dean's shop are also spirit bone but 1 will go to San in the future, San tired to ask which soul bone and when to which Arielle didn't reply just pecked his cheek and sticking out her tongue at him saying that he will know when the time comes

 Arielle nods her head and explains her knowledge on spirit bone and the 3 she got from Dean's shop are also spirit bone but 1 will go to San in the future, San tired to ask which soul bone and when to which Arielle didn't reply just pecked his ch...

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