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Arielle nodded her head in Satisfaction but she was unsure to leave San to Dugu Bo  but hell she trusted this man more than Xiao wu but the felling they have to separate hurted her

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Arielle nodded her head in Satisfaction but she was unsure to leave San to Dugu Bo  but hell she trusted this man more than Xiao wu but the felling they have to separate hurted her

San noticing her couldn't help but smile and hugged her and promised her once again that he will not do something stupid and will return to her in perfect shape. Arielle nodded her head when they were about to leave Arielle turned towards Dugu Bo

"If anything happens to him or if I heard you touch is single strand of hair I will hunt you even if it takes all my life", making Dugu Bo shiver the teachers laughed at it and they finally made into the academy where all were waiting for them to return, Xiaogang said that San will train with Dugo Bo and will return 

The Sherk devils were told to sleep but Arielle asked Zhuqing and Rongrong whether they want to train the night.

Arielle Pov

The moon hung high in the sky as Zhuqing and Rongrong faced Arielle, ready for the training ahead. Arielle, determined to enhance their abilities, issued her instructions.

"Sister Zhuqing, Sister Rongrong, I am going to test your abilities," Arielle declared, her eyes focused on the task at hand. Both girls possessed unique talents, but they lacked formal training.

"Sister Zhuqing, attack me at your full speed. I will only dodge your attacks. Sister Rongrong, I want you to analyze Sister Zhuqing," Arielle commanded, setting the stage for their training.

Zhuqing, fueled by determination, charged at Arielle with unmatched speed. Arielle, agile and poised, dodged each move with precision. Zhuqing persisted, launching a series of attacks, but Arielle effortlessly eluded them all.

"Sister Zhuqing, this speed is not enough. We need to train more. Again," Arielle urged, recognizing the need for improvement. Zhuqing, undeterred, reset herself for another round. The moonlight traced their movements as they engaged in a dance of combat and evasion.

Meanwhile, Rongrong observed closely, her analytical skills at work. She meticulously studied both Arielle's evasive maneuvers and Zhuqing's attacks, analyzing the intricacies of their movements.

As the night unfolded, Arielle pushed Zhuqing to her limits, guiding her through relentless drills. The air echoed with the sounds of training, the rustle of leaves accompanying each swift movement.

"Sister Rongrong, can you boost Sister Zhuqing when she comes close to me?" Arielle proposed, introducing an element of collaboration. The idea sparked concern in Zhuqing.

"Moonbeam, won't it be dangerous?" Zhuqing questioned, wary of the potential risks.

"That's what this training is for—to test how much speed and strength you can unleash. Let's continue until the morning," Arielle assured them, her dedication unwavering. The training ground became a battleground of determination and growth, with each movement propelling them toward newfound capabilities.

No one Pov

"Looks like those three are training," Flender remarked.

"I think those three would make a great trio," Zinara added.

However, Erlong's unexpected statement diverted the conversation. "What about my Wu? I am planning to make her my daughter," he proclaimed, leaving Flender and Zinara bewildered.

The Shrek Devil trio had dedicated themselves to rigorous training, striving to enhance their stamina, coping abilities, and concentration. Half a year passed, marked by Mubai nearing the breakthrough to level 40, with Arielle closely following at level 39, and the rest of the team progressing accordingly. San, recognizing the need for guidance, brought Dugu Bo in as an adviser for Shrek Academy, an alliance that would significantly impact their future.

San expressed his desire to meet his friends. Xiaogang, understanding the importance of the reunion, accompanied San to where Arielle meditated near the waterfalls.

"Arielle, you've got a visitor," Xiaogang announced.

Arielle opened her eyes, and upon seeing San, her eyes glistened with tears. She ran to him, throwing herself into his arms, shedding tears of joy and relief. Xiaogang, smiling at the heartfelt reunion, discreetly walked away, giving the couple the privacy they needed.

After a prolonged embrace, San revealed that he had a gift for everyone and guided Arielle to where the rest of the group awaited, including Xiaogang and Zinara

All after seeing san went to welcomed him and San stated that he have bought some herbs for them for their cultivation he gave the Yearning Heartbroken Red flower to Xiao wu and told the story Among immortal treasure herbs, it's a divine treasure. It also has a legend.

A very long time ago, a youth, quiet and contented, most liked gardening and planting trees, filling his garden with green and blue lotuses and bulbs, thousands of purples and reds. Ordinarily singing to flowers, toasting to the moon, when a flower fell, he would be boundlessly grieved, sweeping up the flower, burying it in the ground, shedding tears again and again. 

It's said his feelings moved Heaven, and his great love for flowers moved the Heavenly Flower Immortal, who personally descended to the world to marry him, happiness like fish in water need not be mentioned. But unexpectedly the good times didn't last, god learned about their matters, and was furious, saying immortals and the mundane didn't match, ordering Flower Immortal to return to the divine realm. 

That youth having lost his lover, moaned and groaned in pain all day, depressed, discarding matters of flowers, consequently the walls fell and fences collapsed, flowers and trees withered, the land growing desolate.

One day a white haired old man arrived, telling him that the white tree peony flower in his garden, was his wife's reincarnation, as long as he destroyed the flower, the Flower Immortal would lose her immortality, banishing her to the mundane world to be his wife again, but he couldn't by any means destroy a flower. 

The words turned into a pure wind and disappeared, and the youth suddenly came to himself, deeply regretting his mean treatment of the blossoms, he again carefully tended to the flowers and plants, even though he deeply loved his wife, he couldn't bear to burn down the tree peony, it was even more cherished than himself, day and night watering the flowers with his tears, the tears stemmed from deep sorrow, and yearning and heartbroken he died, in his final moments, he dripped some blood on the petals, and you see those dark red stains, that is the heart's blood of that youth.  

After completing the story Xiao wu kept rubbing the San knows the real meaning now it was meant for breaking a heart and Wu did it very well, San looked at Arielle who looked nervous she looked at me feeling my gaze and gave a tighted smile thousand thoughts went in his head as if she is going to leave him but he understood she was going to reveal her secrets today

San was about to ask her if she was ok with it but Arielle Shaked her head and pointed her fingers to deal with them, San then gave them each a particular herbs and they went to meditate

San was about to ask her if she was ok with it but Arielle Shaked her head and pointed her fingers to deal with them, San then gave them each a particular herbs and they went to meditate

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