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Jay was walking the street to get some air, when he felt a hard pole hit the back of his head.

Jay fell to the floor, and fell unconscious, his phone on the floor.

Kent picked Jay's limp body up, and placed him into the van.

The Van drove away, leaving Jay's phone on the ground.

At the courtroom. The unit were all there, but Jay wasn't.

"Where's Jay? He should be here..." Kim whispered.

Before Erin could speak. Natalie interrupted.

"Yeah. Or he's afraid to show his guilty face." Natalie interrupted.

Erin looked at Natalie, and glared.

"You don't know what state Jay was in yesterday, he has a four year old. Same age as Owen. What would you do if it wasn't your husband, and it was mine?" Erin gave Natalie something to think about.

Natalie stayed silent, and noticed Will.

"Will looks so skinny, poor baby." Natalie pouted.

Will noticed his brother's unit, but he didn't see Jay.

"Where's Jay?" Will mouthed.

Erin shrugged, and got up.

"I'm gonna try and find out where the hell is he." Erin suggested.

Erin left the courtroom, and walked outside.

This is Jay Halstead. Leave a message.

"Jay, It's your wife. Where the hell are you? It's your brother's sentencing today, so call me, and get your ass here." Erin ordered.

Erin sighed, and walked back into the courtroom.

At the House. Jay was lying on an empty table, feeling his arms tied.

Jay looked down, and noticed the tattoo on his hip.

"Ha! Glad to see your awake!" Kent smiled.

Jay tried to get up, but reached no avail.

"What am I doing here? What are you doing?" Jay asked.

Kent placed the tattoo cover over Jay, keeping it fresh.

"Your brother messed with the wrong guys." Kent snarled.

Jay tried breaking himself out of the ties, but failed to do so.

"You can try all day, you won't get anywhere." Kent chuckled.

Jay gave up, and felt how the burning sensation tickled him.

"Listen! Let me go! Please. My brother is getting sentenced today, I have to be there." Jay explained.

Kent shook his head, and taped Jay's mouth.

"Enough small talk." Kent smirked.

Kent left the room, and Jay groaned.

Jay let the tears fall down his face, as he kept trying to free himself.

At the courtroom. Will was ready to get his sentenced.

"So, I've read your statement, the arresting officer's statement, and I've settled with a fair sentence." Judge Anderson started.

Will nodded, and got ready to listen.

"Will Halstead. You have been sentenced to 12 Months. You will do 6 Months in Riker's. And the rest of your sentence at an okayed apartment, while on probation. Wearing an ankle bracelet as you do so." Judge Anderson explained.

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