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  "Once upon a time, there was a girl straying on the streets. After an incident, she was named as the 'Gamble Goddess'."


Author's POV:

  You were born with a special skill.


  From the first impression, being lucky is definitely a skill that everyone desires.

  Everywhere you go, whatever you want, your assumptions, decisions, will all turn into the result.

  With that ability, one could stay happy for eternity as everything goes according to you.

  The ability to twist reality.

  That's right. You own that special skill, being the luckiest woman ever, there's nothing that could go against your favour. It's like you're gifted.

  However, is that true?

  Have you ever wanted that skill?

  Does it truly make you happy?

  The first time you discovered this skill was when you were 5.

  Your mother was the prettiest prostitute in an expensive club in Seoul, in fact one of the prettiest women in Korea.

  One day she got pregnant with a mysterious man and had you, Y/n Jeon.

  She was young that time and didn't know what to do so she hid you well and successfully gave birth to you.

  You took after your mother's charm and turned out to be an ivory beauty that catches people's eyes wherever you go.

  Your beauty is a harmonious convergence of eastern and western features, showcasing striking (eye/shape)/ almond-shaped eyes that hold a mix of mysterious depths. The silver strands of your hair, like strands of moonlight, cascade in gentle waves, emphasizing the rare and enchanting mixed bloodline. The silver hue complements your skin tone, adding a touch of celestial elegance to your overall presence.

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