chapter eleventh

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(TW: SA)

Ashton's pov

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Ashton's pov

It's official. I have hit the "why me?" stage of my breakdown.

Aside from my mom's positive diagnosis, nothing else is going my way.

I spent last night with my mom and today the universe decided I was her next victim.

While I drove home from my mom's in the morning, my car got a flat tire. Usually, that's not a bad thing, because ya girl can get her hands dirty to fix it herself.

However, my car didn't have a spare. Don't ask, I don't have an answer, but I'll be damned if a pretty girl like me is stranded on the side of the road while waiting on a tow truck. 

You'd have to kill me before I leave my brand new baby out there by herself.

In typical, "goddess hates me" fashion. My gut instinct was to call Drew. For obvious reasons, I didn't and Rell was working so he couldn't help me either.

That left Daja to try and get to me, and when I tell you that girl's sense of direction is in the gutter.

I was waiting there for over an hour as she took the wrong road 3 fucking times.

I'm buying her a goddamn atlas for her birthday.

Once we finally got her spare onto my car, we went to buy new tires and it was only then when I realized that I didn't have my wallet.

So we left my car at the shop and ventured back to the condo, just for Daja to run out of gas when we got there.

She said and I quote "It's the car's fault because it never told me when to fill up"

Like, GIRL. There's a flashing light! Be so fucking serious.

I swear to goddess, she needs a driver.

Eventually I ubered all the way back to get my car, since Daja's was now out of commission. Another thing I now needed to do on my way home.

I wish I could tell you that was all that happened, but I truly embarrassed myself more as the day went on.

Once I got my car squared away, one of the guys there was hitting on me.

That kind of happens a lot, but something came over me with all the irritation and I did something so stupid.

"Would it be cool if I got your number? Maybe we can do dinner? There's a really cool soul food place up in Dallas I could take you"  The blonde-hair, grey-eyed man asked as he pulled his phone out offering it to me.

"Honestly, that's really nice of you to ask, but I'm not interested" I said politely, but firmly declining his offer.

I was trying to mask my frustration at the day while making sure he got the damn point.

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