Chapter Seven

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Bag? Check. Books? Check. Hairbrush? Double check. I check my bag to see if I have everything and it looks like I have everthing ready for my first day at college. It's just a few miles down the road so it is not to far. As I check myself in the mirror if I look alright which I had a pair of black rip jeans with a cute violet tan top with white trainers and my necklace on.

"Tristan get your ass down before you are late!" Mom shout up. I rolled my eyes at her comment. Mom found out about the form and was mad about it but Dale found away to get her head around it, saying if I drop out it is on me. I sight  picking up my bag and head down stairs.

I walked into the kitchen to find my mom crossing her arms and looking piss as always at me. No idea what put her in a bad mood but she is always in a bad mood with me. I grab a piece of toast and as I took a bite out of it I turn to face mom with a blank look on my face.

"What?" I asked not in the mood to deal with all this at least I'll be at my lessons and not stuck in the house with my selfish brat of a mother.

"Your not wearing  that!" Mom pointed out of my clothers that I am wearing tight now. I look down but find nothing wrong what I am wearing must be Mom has her knickers in a twist.

"I'm wearing  rip jeans and a tan top nothing wrong with that" I said pulling a face.

"Loads of boys will be looking at your ass and want to fuck you!" Mom complan. I rolled my eyes and brush myself down while giving her a sarcastic smile.

"Wow I'm eighteen and I never knew boys wanted me that much thanks mom" I said sarcastically as I walked past my angry mother.

"Oh and save left overs later for me, I'll be home late" I said then walked out the big mantion house blocking out my mom's insults towards me.

As I walked to campsite I now realise how much the difference it is then back at London and now I wonder what the difference would be if I when to college in London and not in California.

I got to the campsite of college and I then walked inside the halls to be filled with busy students wanting to get to class or to the cafe. I took a deep breathe and start to walk to my class Publishing major I do take English major but that is for tomorrow right now I need to get to my class.

As I got to my class I find the class empty I had to double check if it was the right class before I can walk in and sit down. I have always been the quiet the early bird when it comes to showing up to classes and all. I hate to be late I love to have a good recourd on myself.

I sat down near the front and got my note book, pen and hightlight out to take notes in this class. As I am starting to write I feel someone come up to me. I look up to find a guy with light brown hair and green eyes and about five seven in highth looking at me with a cute smile on he's face but is also a friendly smile.

"Hi do you mind if I sit with you I don't know anyone?" He asked as I give him a smile.

"Of course" I said moving my bag so he can sit next to me.

"You a freshman?" I asked once he settle down next to me.

"Yeah you?" He asked.

"Yeah I'm also new in town" I said then I turn to face the guy with hand out. The first got I meet apart from Scott and I have not introuduce myself. Great!

"Tristan" I said with my smile showing of my teeth.

"Noah. Noah Wales" He said which we shook hands and wait til the teacher get here.

"So where are you from?" Noah asked me. We hhaving a little get to know me questions before class and I even know that Noah is a sweet and kind guy who has three older brothers, take care of he's mom well and has a greek girlfriend who is living in New York to study animals.

"I'm from London born and raise, only child, close with my grandparents Mom side. Dad never meet killed himself before I was born. Oh and I have secret boyfriend and best friend Grace back in London" I explain quickly and the look on Noah face seems pity he shouldn't be it's not he's story, it's mine.

"I'm sorry about your dad" Noah said looking down at he's shoes.

"Don't be, everyone has a sad story they just don't say it" I said with a little smile on my face.

Soon the class start to fill up and the teacher walked in to began the lesson. I turn to the front with a big smile and my note pad ready to take notes.

"We can continue our conversation over coffee" I told Noah before I turn back to my new teacher.

"Good morning everyone and welcome to Publishing major while you are here you will be puting your stories and dreams and be making them come true. I am Miss Heather and I will guide you til the end now please make sure to take notes as I go through these stages" After my new teacher Miss Heather explain I began to take notes as Noah did the same.

The most exicted thing is happening in front of meof me right now. And I am goinggoing to make this dream become reality. As my grandparents always had hope for me to follow I know I will carry it on to where it will take me.

And to who I am inside. Not just a random London girl.

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