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LILAC'S EYES FLICKERED to the television in front of her. Birre sat in a chair to her left as both tributes went over the footage of the reaping, but instead of just theirs, they'd be looking at the other twenty two tributes.

Effie was there too, watching. Along with Haymitch, who introduced to us the tributes of the 69th Hunger Games.

"District One, Archibald and Shimmer, career tributes." Haymitch began as we watched their reaping ceremony, both looking confident and capable.

Archibald looked the most deadly out of the two, the boy was obviously muscular, seemingly appearing to show off his physical strength. Glimmer didn't look strong physically,

"Careers?" Birre asked, before Haymitch could answer Lilac did, "Career tributes are tributes who are trained from a young age specifically for these games, if they aren't picked during the reaping, they volunteer."

Birre nodded at the response, noting the older tribute's disgust at the concept due to their facial expression.

Lilac thought for a moment before adding to her response, "The only Districts who produce careers are One, Two, and Four."

Birre tips his head to the side in confusion, "Why not Three?" to which the former shrugs, not knowing herself.

The two direct their attention back to their mentor who continues, changing the screen with the small object Lilac learned was a "remote". Twelve wasn't really a well supplied District, so the majority of things from the Capital, and other District, were new to her.

Birre had also been perplexed by all the new things they were now surrounded in. Though both tributes remained ever so curious as they neared their inevitable death.

At least assumed it was their inevitable death.

"District Two, Chrystan and Jupiter." both tributes looked like exact replicas of the ones from District One. Dark hair, powerful, intimidating. Nothing else was exceptionally different about them.

District Three produced Deeze and Trink, neither looking like a threat, physically at least. If you compare them with the careers. But they were smart, Three was known for their brains, Lilac would have to keep an eye out.

She remembered one of the games she'd watched when she was younger of a tribute from that district electrifying six people to death to win the games.

District Four's tributes were Eldoris and Brooke. Neither were confirmed to be careers but it was still unknown if they were or not.

From Five, Jasper and Marjory; Six, Cliff and Ash; Seven, Garland and Sterling.

Lilac had zoned out when watching Eight's through Ten's, but Birre told her none of them were looking like threats, except for a guy named Pylon.

Gadget and Lynx were Eleven's tributes. Lilac noted Gadget's strength, Lynx however, was the same age as Birre and looked like she wouldn't last long.

As the footage came to a close Haymitch left the two to talk amongst themselves, both tributes beginning to scheme up a plan.

"What do you think?" Birre asked.

"We won't find out much about the tributes til were train with them, but I'm thinking we could get allies."

"We?" Birre echoed, causing Lilac to nod.

"We're in this together, if one of use dies then the other has to win- if I die, I'll do everything I can to make sure you have the best chance of coming out of the arena beforehand."

Birre opened his mouth to speak before promptly shutting it, as if what he wanted to say wouldn't benefit the situation. He hesitated before speaking again.

"Do you have a plan?"

"The beginnings of one," Lilac paused, contemplating her next words. "I think we should first get as many sponsors as possible if anything. Next we should scout out potential allies once we get to the Capital. After that I haven't got much in mind..." the girl trailed off, questioning the plan. It made enough sense, right?

"What about once we get to the training and the testing- what do we do?" Birre questions, the test had not crossed Lilac's mind since before she started training with the makeshift spears with Haymitch. Obviously they couldn't show any skills whilst around the other tributes.

"Once we're around the other tributes, act like we don't know each other, they'll see our alliance as our weakness and go for one of us. Focus on your survival skills."

Birre nodded in response, trusting the older girl completely. Since they'd met a few days ago, Birre began to think of her almost as a sister.

The sound of hurried footsteps stopped all conversation between them. Effie enthusiastically broke into the room and towards the two tributes.

"Children, take this all in." she beckons both of them to the window as the three of them stare through it. Lilac and Birre were awestruck, even though they hated this place, it had some exotic beauty about it.

They were in the Capital now.

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