Chapter One

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"Dear Diary,

It's been two months since I've started here at Camp Campbell. The place seems nice! Gwen and David are making me feel welcome, and the campers aren't as bad as I thought. You just got to get to know them, right? Max can be a pain in the ass though, but he and I get along sometimes... when he wants to cooperate.

Today, we went swimming in the lake and then we had dinner. I wasn't too hungry so I only had half of my food. Hopefully, no one noticed. I'd love to come back and work here next year, if they'll have me. The place is a good retreat away from city life, and the people here are better than those at home or in college. Anyways, signing off, someone is knocking on the Counselor Cabin door, 

Until next time, Y/N."

I close my notebook and yell across the room from the office desk, "Yeah?" "It's me, David," I hear a friendly, chipper voice from the other side of the door.

David was another counsellor here at camp. He's 24, tall, light muscular build with auburn hair. He's always so happy and ready to explore nature, it's like he's addicted to the fun facts about trees he blurts out in his sleep. He is the head counsellor and whatever he says goes. We all share the counsellor cabin. It's where we sleep, work on paperwork and use the bathrooms. Gwen and I have adjacent beds to the left of the room, and David's is on the right. Gwen is the other counsellor, she's 25, short, light brown skin that I'm always jealous of because it's GLOWING. She has a no bullshit attitude, and despite how she acts, I think she cares for the campers deep down. The other counsellor? Well, that's me! But it's nothing as unique as David and Gwen, I'm the youngest at 21, but I stand out though. I'm almost the same height as David, H/C hair and I have tattoos and piercings which Nikki and Ered seem to hyperfixate on. I feel appreciated here.

I get up reluctantly from my bed and open the door to see David there, smiling. "David, why are you knocking? This is your cabin too, so you can just come in whenever," I say, puzzled. "Oh, it's just that I could see you writing through the window and I didn't want to intrude in case it was something private. I know Gwen hates it when I barge in on her drawing... but those drawings are... definitely a private matter..." I giggle at David's innocent response. I usher him to come in and he sits down on his bed and stretches his arms up into the air, "Today was a good day!" He exclaims with so much passion, I can't help but giggle. I look at him, puzzled, "David, Dolf nearly drowned." "Yeah.... BUT he DIDN'T!" David walks over and puts his hand on my shoulder, giving me a look of utter admiration as he blushes, "If you hadn't saved him, who knows what would've happened!" I nod in agreement, rethinking everything that happened today. Working here at Camp is more than a full time job. You're dealing with 8 - 14 year olds, and this bunch is definitely chaotic, though chaotic may be putting it lightly. I scratch my head and turn to David, "What's on the schedule for tomorrow?" He glances over at the planner on the wall and smiles warmly, "Saturday!" I smile at hearing this. We run camp from Monday to Friday, and on the weekends, both campers and counsellors get to do whatever they want! I always sleep in until 2pm though, which I can tell David hates, but Gwen agrees it's the best thing to do, she sometimes joins in. David consistently wakes up at 6am every morning, it's very annoying hearing his alarm. "Got anything planned for the weekend, Y/N?" I shake my head and grin cheekily, "Just sleeping!" "Damn it, you really do love to sleep! It's like you can't get enough of it," despite not liking an answer, he always tries his hardest to be understanding.

A few moments later, Gwen walks through the open door and closes it, rubbing her eyes. A look of exhaustion is sprawled across her face, "Fucking hell I hate those kids! Max was trying to light the tents on fire AGAIN!! Pass me the vodka, David," she growls through gritted teeth. David reluctantly passes her the vodka from under her bed and she takes a swig of it. "Gwen, it's still Friday, and you know how Max is..." "YEAH, which is WHY I'm fucking drinking. I don't know how you remain sober all week!" David raises his eyebrows, "You drink during the week?" I laugh, engaging in conversation as Gwen flops down on my bed, passing me the bottle, "Gwen has a point," I tease. David chuckles and sits on his bed, 10 feet away, "I guess I just have the natural knack for taking care of kids!" Gwen and I exchange a look as if to say 'He's treated just as bad as us' and we laugh.

After an hour or two of talking, David and Gwen head to sleep. David in his sober state, and Gwen in her tipsy state. "You going to sleep too, N/N?" David asks, concerned. I look out the window at the stars and smile, "I'll just stay awake another while..." He chuckles, softly and tucks into bed, "Sweet dreams, Y/N, you did good today". I stare into the night, the calming sense of another week washed over me as the night lays still. It's like time is stopping and it's just me and the world together. I remember what David said, telling me I did a good job today. I blush at the thought and smile half heartedly.

The next morning, David's alarm goes off and he scrambles to turn it off in a bid to not wake anyone else. He sits up and rubs his eyes, groaning softly. "Good morning, guys," he whispers, a warm, kind smile on his face. I turn to David and reply, "Morning." David flinched, his eyes widened. "Y-you're up, Y/N!" He gets up and sits on my bed, smiling. I'm still laying in bed, my face absolutely exhausted. "I couldn't sleep." "You've been awake for the past 7 hours? You could've woken me up and I'd have helped you get to sleep!" I blush at hearing this and shake my head. I didn't want to wake him, it would crush me. He is so kind and helpful to everyone, I just hope he is the same to himself. "You're fine, David. You need your sleep." He eyes me up and down, as if he's examining me and smiles softly, a hit of compassion in his voice, "You need your sleep too N/N..." I smile and shake my head, disagreeing but changing the subject. I ask him what his plans were for today, I forgot to ask him last night. I did regret that. He chuckled, "I'm just going to relax today, maybe pick up some food to supply the QuarterMasters meals that he cooks each day. He's such a great cook, isn't he?" "Doesn't he do that himself?" "I don't know what he gets up to in his free time, I just love helping people! It makes me feel whole-" "Do you help yourself? Do you take care of yourself too?" I interrupt him, my face concerned. He smiles and nods his head, "I always make time for that too, Y/N. You're such a good counselor, always looking out for others! I got to hand it to you, you always know the ways to brighten peoples day!" He rubs my shoulder and gets dressed into a hoodie and shorts. "Are you coming for breakfast?" He says as he walks to the door. "There's breakfast at this hour on the weekends?" "Well, you'd know if you didn't wake up just in time for lunch, N/N!" He teases. My heart skips a beat at his remark, making me feel warm and fuzzy inside for some reason. Why am I like this? Everytime he teases me or jokes with me, my insides turn so much and my stomach does somersaults, every time, it never fails to draw a sheepish smile on my face. "You go without me!" David nods and heads out for breakfast. I sit up from my bed and glance at David's bed. It looks so warm and cosy. David's gone for breakfast, he wont be back for at least 30 minutes, right? The bed looks so enticing, the way his pillows are propped up on the sides so he can hug them. It makes me smile, he is just too innocent. I stealthily get up and make my way over to his bed, it smells like his cologne. I hop in, quickly, not to make a sound. I wrap myself in the blankets. How come his bed is warmer than mine? My bed is always cold. That's unfair! I chuckle at the thought and close my eyes. I didn't expect to fall asleep but I did. I just hope I wake up within the next 25 minutes.

5 minutes later, David comes into the room and looks over at my empty bed. A puzzled look appeared on his face until he looked at his bed and saw me asleep in it. He raised an eyebrow and sat on the side of the bed, stroking my hair as I slept. "You really are tired, Y/N..." he whispers in a hush tone to not wake me up. He looks at the sandwich he brought me and sets it down on the bedside table, along with a bottle of water, "You'll need this, anyways," He chuckles to himself. He decides to sit on the couch, situated at the end of his bed and watches TV. After a while, Gwen wakes up and groggily rubs her eyes. "Morning..." she mumbles. "Good morning, Gwen! Be quiet, Y/N is sleeping!" He hushes. She glances over at my bed, confused, and then looks up to see me asleep in his bed. She excitedly gets up and flops next to David on the couch, "Dude! Why is she sleeping in your bed?! Tell me EVERYTHING!!" David chuckles and turns to see me asleep. "She was just tired, she probably thought my bed would look more enticing or something. I'm not gonna question it. She would be mortified." The two engage in chit chat, Gwen overly excited about the whole ordeal while David chuckles warmly at each remark she makes.

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