Chapter Six

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Time was ticking and it was going by quicker than I thought. 6 days left. I looked through my diary, flicking through the pages. This diary I kept through my 3 months at Camp Campbell, will soon be finished. I opened the first page and smiled.

"Dear Diary,

It was my first day at Camp Campbell today, May 30th, and I was feeling nervous all day. I didn't want to mess up. I didn't know anyone here, and I wasn't sure what to expect. But then I saw David, the head counsellor. He was so kind and friendly, and he welcomed me with open arms. He made my time here memorable. He and Gwen showed me around the place before the campers arrived."

I laughed at my nervous writing in my little book, I had no idea how great the next few months were going to turn out.

"David was always there to help me with whatever I needed, and he had a way of making me feel special. He would compliment me on my achievements, and encourage me to try new things. He and Gwen are like my best friends, they're better than everyone at home, that's for sure. As we began our activities for the day, I found myself constantly turning to David for advice and guidance. He had a way of making everything seem so easy, even when it was chaotic and unpredictable. I admired his patience and understanding with the campers, and I knew that I had a lot to learn from him."

I seemed to really idolise David back then... I mean, I still do but now I know what I'm doing in camp this time. I don't know what I'm doing with my life now.

"As the day drew to a close, I felt a sense of accomplishment and excitement for what the rest of the summer would bring. I couldn't wait to work alongside David and Gwen to make this the best summer yet for our campers. I have a feeling that this summer is going to be full of new experiences and challenges, but with David and Gwen's guidance and support, I know that I can handle anything that comes my way. I can't wait to see what the rest of the summer holds.

Until tomorrow,


I wipe a tear from my cheek as I close my diary and hug my knees to my chest, a sinking feeling in my chest. I don't want to live my future back in the city. I want to stay here in camp forever. I want to work here all year round. I wish I could. I wipe another tear from my cheek as I sniffle.

As I lay in bed that night, I couldn't help but feel a sense of sadness. Camp had become my home away from home, and soon I would have to say goodbye. But I knew that the memories and friendships I had made here would stay with me forever. As I sat on my bed, tears streaming down my face, I heard a knock at the door. It opened before I could even respond, and in walked Max. "Y/N, have you seen the cookies?" "You little shit, it was you taking them the whole time wasn't it?" I glare and point a finger at the kid at the doorway. He shrugged, "You guys make this place a living hell so I deserve a little escapism, so where are they?" I pull out a packet of cookies from the dresser next to me and pat the side of my bed, inviting him to sit with me. I hand him the packet. "Have at it, Max." "You're not gonna stop me? Sweet!" He grins and horses down on a cookie. I shake my head and chuckle, "Camps ending soon anyways, I couldn't care less. Just don't tell the other campers, they'll want cookies too. Let that be your stash." I say, pushing the cookies closer to Max.

We sat in silence for a few minutes, the weight of our impending departure hanging over us. But then Max spoke up again. "Hey, let's go sneak David's bag and steal something. That always makes me feel better." I couldn't help but laugh at his suggestion. "You're ridiculous, Max. We aren't doing that."

We sit in silence for a few moments, lost in our thoughts. But then Max turns to me with a mischievous grin. "Hey, I have an idea," he says. "Let's make the most of these last few days and do something crazy. Something we'll never forget." I look at him skeptically. "Like what?"

Max shrugs. "I don't know, something daring. Like a late-night swim in the lake or sneaking into the kitchen for a midnight snack."I laugh at his suggestion. "That's not exactly 'daring,' Max." He rolls his eyes. "Okay, fine. What do you suggest then?" I pause, thinking for a moment. And then an idea comes to mind. "I've always wanted to climb up to the top of the Sleepy Peaks mountain," I say, my eyes sparkling with excitement. "We could do that." Max looks at me skeptically. "Are you sure that's a good idea?" I nod confidently. "Absolutely. It'll be our own little adventure. And who knows, maybe we'll even see the stars from up there." Max grins, his eyes alight with excitement. "Alright, you've convinced me. Let's go. It's getting dark out." I nod in agreement, "Don't tell David or Gwen, I'll get in trouble you little fuck."

We quickly make our way to the lookout tower, the adrenaline pumping through our veins. As we climb the stairs, the creaking of the stony steps echoing in the stillness of the night, I feel a sense of exhilaration I've never experienced before. I turn to Max, grinning from ear to ear. "This is amazing," I say, my voice barely above a whisper. Max nods in agreement, his eyes wide with wonder as we reach the top of the mountain. We sit there for what feels like hours, talking about our favourite memories from camp and the adventures we hope to have in the future. We sit at the top and watch the stars. Max breaks the silence, "So what really happened last week? You went missing for a week and returned with a gash on your head." I sigh defeat, I guess Max can know. "Daniel," is all I can say, knowing that Max can probably piece together the story just from those words, knowing Daniel and his past antics with the camp. He would get the jist. He nods and looks to the sky, "The guys a creep. David is so much better than him." My eyes widened, "What?" I chuckle, maybe I heard him wrong. "N-nothing! I hate David so much, he's super annoying, especially when he's talking to Gwen about you." My heart sinks, does David talk about me behind my back? Max looks at me, almost as if he could read my thoughts, "It's nothing bad, if anything, the fucker really likes you. He's always telling Gwen about how amazing of a co-counselor you are. All stupid shit." I remember what Gwen said a couple days ago, "He might like you back!" She said it with so much confidence. It's almost... as if... she knew something that I didn't.

We get back to camp an hour later and I send Max to his tent. I sigh a sigh of relief, he's not my problem now. Not that I haven't liked him, but I appreciate my alone time, especially with David and Gwen off my case. I hop into bed, Gwen is already asleep but David isn't. I see him sitting up on his bed, on his phone. "Hey, why are you up?" I ask, amused. "Oh, hey Y/N. How was your trip to the mountain with Max?" He smiles. I stop in my tracks and look at David. "You knew?" "I saw you chatting with him and laughing and climbing the steps. I trusted you'd keep him safe. I haven't seen him happy in a while. You really are amazing, Y/N. You're so good with the campers, us counsellors... We appreciate your addition to the team." I feel a warmth spread throughout my chest at David's words. "Thank you, David. That really means a lot." David smiles again, his eyes crinkling at the corners. "Of course, Y/N. We're all a team here at Camp Camp, and we have to look out for each other." We sat in comfortable silence for a few moments, the only sound in the cabin was the soft hum of the fan overhead. I feel a sense of gratitude for this place, this community of people who have become like family to me over the past few weeks. "I can't believe camp is almost over," I say softly, breaking the silence. David nods. "It always goes by too fast, doesn't it? But we still have a few more days to make the most of it." I smile at him, feeling a sense of contentment wash over me. At this moment, I know that I am exactly where I'm meant to be.

David smiles warmly at me and continues, "And I also noticed that you've been keeping a diary at the end of your bed. That's a great way to document your experiences and emotions, especially at camp where so much can happen in a short amount of time." I feel a blush creeping up my cheeks as David mentions my diary. I had been writing in it almost every night, jotting down my thoughts and feelings about camp and the people I've met here. I didn't think David would notice. "I kept a diary too," He smiles, showing me his little notebook, the cover was filled with polaroids of him, Gwen and I at camp. My heart warmed when looking at us. This man is so genuine. 

Dear Diary (A David x Reader story)Where stories live. Discover now