Chapter Three

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Fear, terror, and more fear. That was what happened for me, at least. I imagined that I was either already dead or shortly would be. The ray of light was fading and my hair flew from side to side.


The ray of light flickers, almost shakily. This ticks me off, can't you hold a torch still whoever you are? But whoever you are, you're an angel. I really dislike the dark, so this light soothes me... I want to edge closer to it, but I can't move, like I'm frozen in fear.


Why are you counting? Are you like a murderer ready to pounce on someone? And why am I so poetic? Beneath my feet the wooden floor felt soft, not as much as even a firm carpet, but not right for oak planks. I want to step into the Dining Hall. I take a further step.

"Stay with me!!!"

You want me to do what? Who are you? Why do you want me to stay with you? What do I gain from that? I decide to turn and face the light shining towards me, it feels like it's bleaching my eyes with how bright it is. But do I do as this stranger says?

"COME ON!!!"

There was something in that shout, a pain behind it. I feel the overwhelming urge to hug this person. They sound kind, caring, passionate, like they know what they want. But it seems what they want is me. I don't speak, I just turn. Physically, I've already turned. But right now I feel mentally I'm turning, I feel weaker, helpless, yet compelled to run towards this person. I take a step...1...

Another step...2...


I run, I run with all my might to this person. I don't know who you are, but you need me.



Though my eyes are open I can't think of why; my heart is pounding, mind empty, lungs...full...

A gasp.

A figure... It's David... and Gwen...


I'm hacking, heaving, puking all this... water...

A cry.

A cheer.

"O-Oh my God, you're awake!!"

My eyes focus, as does my mind. I'm on the grass, it's still dark out, but the silhouette of everything around me isn't pitch black, just dimmed a bit. The trees don't look looming, the moonlight adequately brightens everything around me just enough. The light, it was a torch, and it's beaming over me. I'm wet.

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