Chapter Five

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I'm running, I don't know where it is I'm running but I don't care. I'm dodging trees left, right and centre, I hear a faint voice behind me, feet away or miles away, I couldn't tell for sure. "Running away is running toward something else, perhaps it is a better future you seek? You'll have no future at that camp, not in your career, nor with anyone. I digress, you won't have a future, either." As the voice spoke, it edged nearer and nearer to my ears, sending shivers down my spine. A push. The push of a fist against my back sent me towards the ground, hitting the back of my head against a rock. I turn, the looming figure approaching me. I didn't think he was so close behind me. I see his silhouette, the occasional flicker of lightning illuminating his face. The deranged look of a psychopath on his face. He steps on my hair sprawled out, and now I can't lift my head. I should have kept that ponytail in my hair, I made myself vulnerable. My visions blurry and wavy as the blow from my fall clouds my vision, though I fight to stay awake. I'm not a victim, especially to this bastard. He points the knife at my face, not even a tremor in his stance. I'm lost on what to do. My phone smashes into pieces as I fell, meaning I don't even have a means of calling for help at this point. "So what's it going to be, Y/N?" What answer does he want? He just wants me dead. He presses the knife into my forehead, dragging it downwards ever so slightly. I feel the hot sensation of blood trickling down my forehead, he thinks he's winning. The blade crosses down across my eyebrow, the makeup on my eyebrows contaminating the wound, making it sting further. I gather my thoughts. I can survive and I will. I lift my leg and kick him in the groin, sending him a foot in the air as I push him further away from my body. He drops the knife and I run. I run with all my might. I got back onto my feet and stumbled away, clutching my forehead to stop the bleeding. It's all over my hands, making them sticky.

In the distance, I see a light. I see lamp posts, it's the camp! I run and strive to reach plain sight before Daniel can get his hands onto me. I haven't heard a single step from Daniel, nor a squeak or roar of his voice but I'm sure he can't be far. I look behind me. He's not there. Nowhere to be seen, only the void of blackness of the forest. I slam open the Counselor Cabin door and lock it behind me. I catch my breath and sit against the door, sweating. David was sitting on his bed, texting someone who I presume to be me, a look of worry on his face. He glances up at the sound of the door and smiles, tears running down his cheeks. He runs over to me and grabs me into the tightest hug, lifting me off the floor. "Y/N!" He yells, elated. "Oh my God I was so worried! Are you okay? What happened?" He slams me with a million questions. "Oh gosh I gotta call Gwen! She went out to search for you! Where have you gone? What happened to your forehead?!" He sets me down and talks to me as he disinfects my wound. "Daniel tricked me into coming out to see him. He... he pretended to be you. He spiked my water yesterday, I don't know how and he tried to stab me out in the fo-forest!" I bellow out in tears, hot streams of tears drenching my cheeks. David sighs, annoyed and grabs a cheek, gently and looks me in the eyes. "That makes more sense, Y/N. I'm so relieved we have an answer for last night and that we can now move on. I'll call the sheriff soon but for now, I want to just make sure nothing can harm you now. I was so worried!" I smile at David, my cheek still in his hands. There go the butterflies again. I blush hard and stare into David's eyes as he lets go smiling. Gwen walks through the cabin door which has since been unlocked. "Hey, where were you?" I explained everything to Gwen and she sighs, annoyed. Seems Daniel has been bothering them for a while. Understandable, I would be too if some murderer, psycho, cult leader, lunatic tricked people from the camp into near death experiences...

During the week, the sheriff found and took away Daniel kicking and yelling threats to everyone. David was very adamant on me staying on rest for the week, which I still protested against. The week went by quickly though and by the 2nd last week of camp, I was back in action. The campers did ask why I had a bandage on my forehead but I told them I just tripped and fell in the cabin to which I was called a dumbass by Max. I'm used to it now. Though I will miss camp in a couple weeks. We were sitting down by the amphitheatre watching each camper show what they learned during their time at camp. David and I sat next to each other as Gwen decided to coach and pep talk the campers behind the curtain when they were nervous.

"David?" "Yes?" "What's your plan for when camp ends?" David raised his eyebrows, "I'm not sure, I don't think anyone's asked me that before. I didn't think you cared about my life outside of camp!" He giggles, bashfully. "Well yeah, you're an amazing guy, of course I care! I want to keep in touch with you guys when camp ends." "Well, what are your plans Y/N?" I shake my head, looking at the theatre, "I don't have much, I just move back in with my parents and find a new job while I go to college." David turns to me now, interested in the conversation we're having. "What do you study?" I sigh, "Nutrition or something. I'm changing majors next year because I need something easier. I'm not a smart person," I laugh, half heartedly. David chuckles lightly, "That sounds like a great plan, Y/N. I know you can do anything you put your heart to! As for me, I just go back to my apartment and search for jobs too. Probably a store clerk or something until camp starts again next year. I just love camp so much, don't you?" I look at David, my eyes light up. "I really do, David. I loved meeting everyone here. Do you think I should come to camp again next year?" He laughs, "I'd hire you anyday!" I forgot, it's David who hires the counsellors. So as long as I keep a good rapport with the counsellors, I'm in a good tide for my future. I don't want to stay in college though. David's life sounds better...

"Dear Diary,

My heart sings and dances around him. My eyes light up and every day I blush more and more at his antics. He's so charming, caring and handsome. I want to marry him... But I can't, he probably likes Gwen or something..."

"Oh, you're writing something?" "AGH!" I shout, Gwen peering over my shoulder into my DIARY. "Gwen, what the fuck!" Her eyes widened, "Who are you talking about!? It's someone here at camp isn't it?" I close my diary and sigh. "Don't you dare tell a soul or I'll take your rum too." "You know about that? Bastard!" Gwen laughs, nudging my shoulder. I breathe a deep breath and place my diary under my bed. "It is... someone at camp." "Well, I know it isn't one of the campers, and you wrote about a HE so by process... of elimination... oh my God you like DAVID!?" Gwen squeals, flopping on her bed crossing her legs, her eyes twinkling with anticipation. "He doesn't know, does he?" She asks, eagerly. I shake my head, defeated. I wish he had an inclination, but he'd... ugh.. "He'd probably reject me if he knew." Now that Gwen knows, it's only a matter of time. The timer is ticking... as of right now... I have 8 days. August 25th, last day of camp. "You need to make a move, he might like you back!!" Gwen insists, "I can help!" I look at her, a look of fear on my face, "It's okay, I'm not gonna tell him. He's not finding out a thing about my feelings towards him."

I'm gonna make damn sure of it.

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