Chapter Two

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Gwen, each morning, sets her alarm at 10 am so as to not sleep in too late. I guess it's because she knows how David gets, so she feels like 10am isn't too early or too late of a wake time. I never questioned it, I just went along with it, it did help me sometimes when I didn't want to sleep too late. Unfortunately, this time, it did wake me up, and even more unfortunate, Gwen and David were still in the room. I shuffle in the bed, as the sound of the alarm wakes me up. My hair is tangled around my face and I find myself hugging a pillow just like David does. I groan groggily as I wake up. David and Gwen are still on the couch, Gwen explaining the lore behind some reality TV show, until they turn over to see me awake. They exchange a smug look and watch. I sit up and rub my eyes, focusing my blurry vision. The weight of 1000 bricks falls on my shoulders and a pit forms in my stomach as I see David and Gwen smiling smugly at me, giggling. My body freezes as I begin to blush bright red. "Someone slept well, I see," Gwen teases me. David is smiling behind her, laughing. I can tell it's not a mocking or jeering laugh, but more of a laugh of sincerity and understanding. "I... um..." I can't get my words out, shit! I just freeze and look over at David, waiting for him to mock me or worse... fire me. He says nothing, but smiles sincerely. I remain seated, blushing and embarrassed. Finally, David interrupts Gwens laughing fit. "I left some food for you over there," he says, nodding towards the table next to me. I ignored what he said and apologized profusely. "I am... SO sorry David, I.. uhm.. I didn't know what I was thinking!!" "You were tired, Y/N, I understand! You need your rest too, damn it!" He giggles, innocently. "You smell like David now," Gwen smirks. "Shut up Gwen!" I blurt out, blushing even deeper. "I'm not wrong, though, am I? Smell yourself!!" I do as she says and fuck, she's right. The crisp smell of apples and cologne washed over me, making me feel weak. I just want to die at this point and nothing can change that. "Gwen, could you leave for a second? I want to talk to David, privately." I ask, trying not to come across as pleading.

It's just us two in the room and it's my turn to speak. I struggle. "David... I... I'm sorry for what I did. Your bed looked really comfy and it's actually warmer than mine. I just sat on it and I didn't expect to wake up so late. I apologize." "Sorry? You're sorry?"

Fuck here it comes, the anger, time to look for a new job now.

"You're sorry? Seriously? Y/N, I'm delighted you felt comfortable enough to sleep in my bed. It's like I helped you indirectly and I am so grateful for that. Seeing you sleep soundly for once put me at so much ease. You're more than welcome to swap beds if that makes you more comfortable."


"David, you're not mad?" He laughs heartily, "Mad?! Y/N, I'm delighted! You felt comfortable enough to do that, and I'm so happy you did." I blush profusely, only being able to mutter "Thank you..." In saying that, David wraps me in a big hug. It's so warm and inviting, it makes my stomach turn. "Anytime, co-counselor! Did you sleep well?" I nod, and get dressed and take a bite out of the sandwich David left for me. "Your bed is... really comfy, I will say," I mutter through mouthfuls of lettuce and ham. I'm never sleeping in his bed again, it was nice and all, but the situation was so awkward I wanted to jump off the top of Sleepy Peeks Cliff.

Later on, we are sitting in the dining hall, all three of us. We are just chatting about random stuff until Max tugs on my sleeve. David looks at him as if to tell him 'Don't start'. "Y/N." "What's up, Max?" "Were you ACTUALLY sleeping in David's bed?? You GOTTA tell us!" Nikki and Neil are behind him, waiting for the answer. I look back at Gwen and David. They are equally as confused. How'd the campers find out? "Yeah, we wanna know!" Neil bellows. "Kids, kids where did you get this information from?" I hush them. "We saw you! We saw you sleeping in David's bed!" Nikki squeals. My face turns pale and I stammer. "Hey, you little shits, back off!" Gwen tells them and they run off laughing. I bury my face in my hands and mutter to myself, "So it really wasn't a dream." David puts his hand on mine and I blush and look up at him. His stupid, stupid, adorable face smiling as if he wasn't embarrassed too. "Don't mind them." "Yeah, we all have embarrassing moments here. David peed himself last week!" "I told you that in confidence!" David hisses at Gwen, which makes me laugh. They both smile at me, making me uneasy. "See? You aren't alone in that, at least you didn't PEE yourself in front of all the campers when you saw a bear." "GWEN!" David yells, blushing. I laugh, "Yeah... I guess... you do have a point," I smirk, "I didn't pee myself." David huffs at my remark and blushes, a silly frown on his face. I know he doesn't take it to heart. He's trying to lighten the mood, and I can't blame him for that. Gwen is too, they really are good friends. It's a shame camp is ending in 3 weeks...

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