Chapter Four

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That night... that night haunted me. I recalled my memory, I told the others. But I was wrong about everything.

That night the campfire really didn't happen. While it was David's turn to rub the sticks together, I fell asleep on Gwen's shoulder, next to me. David ended up carrying me to bed and Gwen called it a night. That night in bed, those two were watching me sleep, and apparently I didn't look good. A ghostly pale look on my face as I tossed and turned in my bed. When one person would try to wake me, I wouldn't respond, and when the other person attempted to wake me, I didn't stir. Gwen and David collectively decided I was just in a very deep sleep and remained awake, cautiously watching me every so often. They weren't tired yet, it was 8pm. At around 11pm, Gwen was still awake and on her phone as David slept. Apparently, I had sleep walked out of the cabin, supposedly the diary journal and lust for s'mores was a dream, but a terrifying one. Gwen saw me stumble through the door and alerted David. They shone a torch behind me, attempting to passively wake me, as you should never wake a sleepwalker. Within a split second, I made it from the Counselors Cabin to the pier, where I fell in. For a brief moment, I had drowned, explaining the breeze and muffled sounds. David dove in to grab me, and Gwen started CPR... and with CPR, you count. You go 1...2...3...

That night I remember nothing but the dream and waking up, cold, wet and heaving bucketloads of water onto the grass next to me. I remember the look on their faces, David dropped the torch and grabbed me into a hug, tearing up. Gwen followed, bringing the three of us into a big group hug. I didn't know what to do or say, all I could think was, 'The angel held the torch...'

I guess you could say I feel guilty for sleeping even a wink now, because why the fuck did that happen? And HOW?! David told me to take the week off to recover. They regularly check in on me, but I can't sleep without one of them knowing. I feel hella bad but I feel worse for them and what I put them through. But that was yesterday, and this is today. After I woke up, I stayed awake. And so, I've been awake for 12 hours, 12 hours of hell. David's gone out to get groceries for the QuarterMaster like he was meant to yesterday and Gwen and I are chilling in our beds sending each other funny videos. It feels like everything is back to normal for the most part but I hate being "looked after''. "Hey look at the one I sent you," Gwen chuckled. I check my phone. It was a video of a dog eating an edible. I could see the fear in the dog's eyes when the video cut to a couple hours later. Clearly the dog had been high and was not enjoying it. Gwen laughs, "Dog really is seeing things, isn't he? I'm jealous! What I'd give to just not be sober here." "Well you have your vodka stash? Why not use that?" "That isn't the same!! Ugh, I remember when I was younger, I was always smoking shit in college. And looked where I ended up. Liberal arts degree and running a kiddie camp." This gave me an idea. I look at Gwen, she's still glued to her phone, laughing. "Have you ever wanted to try a bit again?" Gwen looked at me, puzzled, "I haven't tried the stuff in 3 years, dude. If I could get my hands on it though... I'd be GONE. And I don't know whether gone mentally or gone from the camp itself. Shits illegal here anyways." "Is smoking weed an automatic kick from camp?" "Well we can't do drugs obviously when we have to mind kids, it'd be irresponsible. And... yeah it's illegal as well, I should remention that. It'd be nothing compared to the drugs Campbell has probably done himself though. I'd never go that far though." Seems she knows the consequences already, she must have researched the laws of weed to the core. She lists out all the prospective fines and jail time. A playful smirk appears on my face as I raise an eyebrow. I give her the subtle look of 'I have what you're looking for'. She glares and grins, "You son of a bitch, you have weed don't you?" I nod, happily, "I do, I smoke it sometimes, when everyone's asleep. It helps mellow me out, you know? I wonder what David would be like high though," I chuckle at the thought. I can't imagine a calm and mellow David. There's been a couple times he has been quiet or calm, but they were usually when a situation was serious and he needed to be completely in the moment. This weed talk is music to Gwen's ears and she continues to ask more about why I have it.

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