Chapter Seven

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Today's the last day. I wake up at 6am and take a hot shower. I step out of the shower, wiping the foggy mirror as I put my makeup on. I get into my uniform and head out into the camp grounds. Every camper is packing their belongings and saying goodbye to one another. I take a deep breath. One by one, from 9am to 12pm, each camper heads away with their parents. I watch them all go. Max is the last one to leave. I knew this part of the day wasn't going to be easy. I find Max sitting on the step to the Mess Hall and looking at the sky. I was about to approach him but David beat me to it. I decided to let them have their alone time. But I was still in earshot.

David sits down next to Max on the steps of the cabin. Max looks down from the sky, surprised to see David sitting next to him. "They're not coming, I told you. Go away." Max snaps. David takes a deep breath before speaking. "Max, I've been thinking about something for a while now. And I wanted to talk to you about it." Max furrows his brow, curious about what David could be referring to. "You know how much I care about you, right?" David asks, looking at Max with a gentle expression. "What is it?" "Well, I was wondering if... if you would be okay with me officially adopting you," David says, his voice filled with emotion. Max's eyes widen in surprise, unable to believe what he is hearing. "I want to make sure that you have a loving and supportive family, and I want to be a part of that." Max feels tears welling up in his eyes as he looks at David, unable to believe that someone could care for him so deeply. He shakes his head in disbelief. "I... I don't know what to say," Max stammers, his voice choked with emotion. He shoves the emotion deep down and ignores it, keeping his pessimism. David's just pranking him, right? David puts his arm around Max's shoulder and pulls him into a warm embrace. "You don't have to say anything, Max. But what do you say?"

I had to walk away from this to compose myself. I had a feeling David would ask him but I didn't think he'd do it! I'm not going to tell Gwen. Sure, I don't know if Max would say yes. Instead, I begin packing my things with Gwen in the cabin. Gwen and I sit cross-legged on the floor, packing our belongings. "Are you gonna come back, Gwen?" She lifts her head and ponders for a bit, "I might, I enjoyed this summer more than I thought. Are you?" My eyes widened, I didn't give it any serious thought. I nod my head, smiling, "I think so." Gwen smiled and passed me a small bottle of vodka, "Have it to remember me by." She smiled. We hugged and I gave her my weed supplies, "I hope you can smoke this to remember me by." I say chuckling. I really treasured my time here at camp, but in reality it was the people who made the experiences so much better...

David walked back into the cabin, Max following a foot behind. "Helloooo, co-counselors! I have some news, or should I say, we have some news!" He beams from ear to ear, making my heart melt. Seeing Max behind him, my hopes were through the roof at this point, I couldn't help but drop my jaw in shock. "I have decided to adopt Max!" He grins from ear to ear, I can see Max behind him puffy eyed, as if he had been crying but was too proud to admit it. Gwen and I stare in shock and run over to give David and Max a hug. "It's whatever, okay? I don't really care. Anything away from that hellhole and this one!!" Max mumbles, shifting in his step. "We're gonna have so much fun, we'll be the best of buddies, won't we?" David cheers, ruffling Max's hair.

By 3pm, everyone was pretty much ready to leave. Max was going to be leaving with David and Gwen was giving me a ride back home. Gwen pulled me to the side and told David to wait until we got back. "Bitch, you haven't told him yet!!!" Gwen grabs my shoulders and shakes me back and forth. I laugh, looking to the side and blushing. "I have decided I'm not... gonna tell him. As much as I have feelings for him, I can't. He's amazing, so kind, caring, passionate, handsome. I'd marry him in a heartbeat if I could... I... I love him, Gwen. But I can't... I'm too shy... Maybe next year." I say defeatedly. "Why wait until next year to say it? Maybe... Just maybe... David likes you back," David approaches, speaking softly. I stare, my heart racing as I turn to look at David, his eyes soft and sweet. His cheeks flaring up in a cosy, red colour. Gwen smirks and takes a step back, her plan worked. She made me think David wasn't in earshot, but she knew he'd hear. "Y/N... I... You're... really bad at hiding your feelings," David chuckles, teasingly. But in a kind way. "Plus, Gwen and I already spoke, you're not going back to your parent's place. You're... coming with me!" He beams. I tremble, speechless but obviously over the moon. Max smirks behind him. He clearly likes seeing me suffer but in a good way. My life felt so complete right at this moment, I wanted to cry. But because I could, David pulled me into a warm, comforting hug, before pulling away and planting a gentle kiss on my cheek. I love my life. "Ha! You're gonna be my mom, now, bitch!" Max exclaimed. "Language!" All three of us say collectively, before erupting into fits of laughter.

"Dear Diary,

I remember when I started at this camp 3 months ago. I was unsure, scared, and curious as to what the future had in store for me. Over the course of three months, I came to hate, and then like the little fucker Max, I met a stranger I'd eventually be lucky to call my boyfriend, and a girl who'd I now call my bestest friend (who I occasionally smoke with, hehe).

Life the past couple of weeks have been great. I'm only writing this excerpt to tie it all up, almost as if this whole journey was some story. It sounds made up, that's how magical it was. It feels like some unreal story, I feel like none of this exists.

David and I now live together with our adopted child, Max. Fuck, I came to camp single and now I'm leaving in a relationship and with a fucking child, like how?! We are so happy now. I can't complain, and Gwen is the best auntie ever, she isn't afraid to yell at Max too, which I can't help but appreciate.

I love my life now, I never want it to change. I can't wait to come back to camp next year and this time I'll feel like my life is so much better. If any of the other campers come back, they'll be so surprised to see Max as a whole new person. He's so happy, we even got him a dog. A little West Highland Terrier named Buddy. Max really does love dogs, doesn't he?

Though... One thing that peaks my interest... David keeps hiding something from me. I looked in his dresser when he was asleep, as bad as it sounds... But it's leaving me with a question I can't get out of my head.

Why did David get green contact lenses?

Signing off on this diary for good. Here's to new adventures, right?

See ya later,


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