Chapter Four

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As the thick smoke drifted through the narrow streets, terrified pedestrians ran for their lives. The sun was setting, casting the foggy roads in an eerie orange glow. A mother frantically raced to unbuckle her screaming baby from the backseat of a car, desperate to get safely indoors. Her hands shook as she struggled with the clasp, her eyes darting towards the approaching fog. Her own survival instincts overpowered the maternal love as she opted to save herself. She ran towards the safety of her house, not even bothering to shut the car door. A blaring siren wailed closeby, urging an elderly man across the street to slowly climb up his porch with shaky legs. His knees wobbled beneath him just as he reached the final step. His frail wife cried out from the doorway as she helplessly watched him tumble down the stairs.

A pack of stray dogs spotted the defenseless man, running towards him with rabid howls of hunger and rage. The dark clouds that loomed above them in ominous silence threatened to break at any moment into rain so violent it would drown anyone who fell victim to its torrents. The wind whipped up and as more people fled into their homes, they left behind their belongings. Forgotten purses and discarded keys were scattered on various driveways as doors slammed shut behind those retreating.

In the span of mere seconds, every human unlucky enough to not reach shelter was lost. Their minds and hearts raced to escape what was happening but once the smoke greeted their lungs, they dropped to their knees one by one. The eldery woman locked the door, leaving her fallen husband behind just as he stretched his arms to the sky. The desperate prayer had just passed his lips when the stray dogs reached him, hungrily lunging to rip the poisoned flesh from his brittle bones. Shrill screams could be heard closeby as the abandoned toddler wailed for their mother, securely strapped in their carseat. As the deadly fog reached the open car door, the toxic smoke filled the baby's tiny lungs. The chubby, small arms slowly raised towards the roof of the vehicle and the crying gave into silence. The child's lips moved, eerily able to recite the unknown prayer as they spoke their first and final words.

At the end of the chaotic street, a small house stood out amongst the others. It was modest in comparison to the rest of its neighbors but that was hardly the only difference. Three figures stood on the porch, seemingly unaffected by the surrounding pollution. They each held a single candle, burning steadily as the light flickered over the trio. The figures solemnly observed the death before them, thick smoke obstructing most of their view. "Was all of this necessary?" one of them asked sadly, their heart breaking from witnessing such a gruesome scene. "Unfortunately," the leader replied. Once all of the screams had finally died down, the three figures blew out their candles in unison.

Immediately the thick fog disappeared, revealing a sky full of vibrant stars shining down on the fresh corpses.

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